Monday, Feb. 28, 1949


$7,000,000 to overhaul the White House [TIME, Feb. 7]. Wow! . . .

THOMAS L. STUART Big Timber, Mont.

. . I suppose $7,000,000 is not much mon ey as government spending goes, but it seems ike a lot to someone who longs for a nice $8,000 house but can't afford to pay $20,000 for it.


Dallas, Tex.

Chinese Slogan


Can you translate the Chinese slogan on the Mao Tse-tung cover [TIME, Feb. 7] as either UNIFY DEMOCRACY or CONTROL DEMOCRACY ?


Wolfville, N.S., Canada Justice for Rundstedt


. . . Anyone offering a defense of Germans runs the chance of being considered a Nazi sympathizer, but since the forthcoming trial of German Field Marshal von Rundstedt appears to me to have some significance . . .

I will take the risk.

As I understand it, Rundstedt and other generals have been in close confinement since the end of the war. Judging from the writings of Captain Liddell Hart, Rundstedt, at least, was primarily a military man, unlike Keitel, Jodl, etc. If this be the case, the treatment given and in store for him appears to lack justice. All that is necessary to illustrate this point is enough imagination to contemplate a defeat for this country at some time, whereupon the then Marshall, Eisenhower, Patton and Hodges would promptly find themselves "war criminals" . . .

At a time when the world is desperately striving for some evidence of reason and good faith, it seems foolish to encourage this sort of thing . . .


Springfield, Mass.

Microscopic Animalcules


Jackson Pollock's painting Number Eleven, pictured in the Art section of TIME [Feb. 7], interpreted by Sam Hunter of the New York Times as "cathartic disintegration," is nothing of the sort. Any biologist will tell him that Mr. Pollock made a subconscious endeavor to paint a jumble of spermatozoa, probably of bovine origin. He must have seen these animalcules under the microscope or in a picture at one time. That past experience in the subconscious mind of the artist has forced him to splurge them on canvas at a moment of "high tension." If there has been any disintegration, it has been in the painting of many abnormal forms, microcephalic (small-headed), acephalic (headless), atrichous (tailless) spermatozoa with a few typical specimens.


Loudonville, N.Y.

Twinsburg in Turmoil


"Trouble in Twinsburg" [TIME, Jan. 10] gives readers a most inaccurate picture of this unfortunate school situation . . .

The Board of Education of this community ... is elected by the vote of the people. This school board is directly responsible to the citizens . . .

Superintendent Glen L. Powell has always had the unanimous support of the Board of Education . . . Mr. Powell in his 14 years as a school administrator has demonstrated his ability to initiate a progressive program of school activities both academic and extracurricular.

This town has been torn asunder by a minority faction of irresponsible parents and adults who . . . have tried to crucify and persecute a fine educator and school administrator . . .

MRS. AXEL H. JOHNSON, President Twinsburg Parent-Teachers Association

JANE B. HONENS, President Twinsburg Kindergarten Association

L. N. ROACH, Commander Twinsburg Post Veterans of Foreign Wars H. G. STEWART JR., President Twinsburg Alumni Association

ROBERT NORTON, President Twinsburg Citizens League Twinsburg, Ohio


. . . Congratulations on exposing what is certainly a deplorable condition, and congratulations, too, to the parents who are trying to correct it.

HAL E. CHASE Astoria, Ore.


. . . You have printed about as disgraceful an article as you could about our school trouble. Even if it were half true, I should think you would be considerate enough for the people of Twinsburg to refrain from putting it in print . . .


Twinsburg, Ohio


I am but one of many who are very grateful to find a publication fearless enough to present the Twinsburg picture as it is ...

Our purpose, backed by the Real Estate Owners Association, is to give all children here someone to guide them, someone who has understanding of human nature and can lift up the youth instead of dragging them down until they are dull clods of purposeless, nonthinking individuals. The real test of an educator lies in his ability to create a desire to think for one's self. Training is cut and dried routine with initiative removed. Education is the unfettered search for real knowledge . . .


Twinsburg, Ohio


Your complete distortion of facts and motives concerning Glen L. Powell in his dispute with the self-appointed "deliverers" of Twinsburg is appalling . . .

Your recognition of the fact that Twinsburg has had its "fourth superintendent in six years" would logically lay the responsibility for the trouble on Twinsburg itself, and not on Powell . . ."

Mr. Powell finds himself in his present unfortunate circumstances, not because of any specific action on his part, but rather because he has dared to stand up against the subversive element in Twinsburg which has constantly tried to undermine the power of the school authorities.

As former students of Mr. Powell, we know that he ... is truly a man with the interest of the students, the future of his school, and school-community relations at heart . . .



West Richfield, Ohio

P:TIME, standing by its original story, hopes that it did not show too much of the black and not enough of the grey or white in the Twinsburg picture. If Superintendent Powell's voice was scarcely heard in the uproar, perhaps it was because he was less vocal than his critics.--ED.

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