Monday, Jul. 04, 1955

The Return of Confidence

(See Cover)

Only patience, determination, optimism and a very deep faith can carry America forward.

--Dwight D. Eisenhower, May 28, 1953

From Franconia Notch, N.H. to San Francisco, Calif, this week, there was clear and convincing evidence of patience, determination, optimism and faith among the people of the U.S. In the 29 months since Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, a remarkable change had come over the nation. The national blood pressure and temperature had gone down; nerve endings had healed over. The new tone could be described in a word: confidence.

The U.S. was moving forward. In and around the cities, bulldozers, pneumatic drills and rivet guns played an unending symphony of progress on new homes, new factories, new office buildings. The "for gotten man" of New Deal days was ven turing his capital in small businesses --millinery shops, hamburger stands, ma chine shops. In labor-union meetings, most of the talk centered on how to get new benefits, not on how to keep up with a runaway cost of living. At the office coffee breaks, the talk was easy and calm, not about the coming war or the coming depression. Moderation was the rule. In Chicago, City Park Superintendent Walter Wright announced that police would not use tape measures this summer to check on indecent exposure at the city's bathing beaches, but would limit themselves to reasonable judgment of what is proper. Said Wright: "People are not going to the extremes they used to."

People were turning more and more of their interest toward the things they knew best. A newsstand dealer in Dallas summed it up: "People are interested in little things again. For instance more and more of them are coming in here asking for home-town newspapers. Three years ago, they didn't give a damn. They just grabbed the nearest newspaper and looked at the headlines quick--to see were we in a war again, or maybe had the Commies walked off with the Capitol dome. Now it's important to them to know who's marrying who and who's divorcing who back in the old home town."

It was easy to misunderstand this new mood as narrow provincialism, selfishness or irresponsibility. But in fact it was a lot healthier than the global nail-biting that had preceded it. Chronic crisis and creeping frustration had produced some ugly effects in the U.S., the most conspicuous being the emotions roused pro and con a weightless opportunist named Joe McCarthy. Now McCarthy had receded to a mere smudge on the political landscape. His decline is part of the restoration of the U.S. picture to its proper perspective.

It is critically important in mid-1955 to have the U.S. picture in proper focus. As the Parley at the Summit approaches, the Eisenhower Administration reaches a mile stone. What his Administration has and has not done--both domestically and in foreign relations--will determine what the U.S. and the free world achieve at Geneva.

Leader of the U.S. A large part of the new U.S. mood is the enormous confidence of the American people in the President. The phenomenon was given sharp illustration last week as Mr. Eisenhower toured through Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, meeting the people, eating barbecued chicken, fishing in New England streams, and being plied with gifts of heifers, chickens, trees, shirts, boots, a red knit cap, a chain saw and a sculptured tablet of granite. As he moved through dairy country, where his Administration's farm program had sharply cut federal subsidies, farmers stood by the roadside and cheered. At the hamlets, at the intersections and on farm mailboxes, there were homemade signs that read: "Welcome Ike." "God Bless You, Mr. President."

Even more significant than the people's confidence in the President was the President's confidence in the people. Eisenhower did not believe that the people had to be whipped up to do what was necessary to oppose the march of Communism. Eisenhower did not believe that the people had to be directed into prosperity.

When he was a candidate for President, no argument was used against him more than the economic issue. Democratic campaigners recalled the pain of the great Depression, and asked whether a Republican President--particularly one who had little experience in civilian life and would have to depend on G.O.P. fiscal advisers-would bring on another depression. "Don't let them take it away," was the cry.

Within weeks after he took office, the new President began to apply to a prosperous but jittery U.S. the basic philosophy of free enterprise. He wiped out most remaining Government controls, set tax policies to encourage investment and expansion in business and industry, applied--where possible--the policy of letting the market place set the pace of the economy. Without Government interference, labor and management were permitted to work out their disputes in the true spirit of collective bargaining.

To lessen the burden on the economy, federal spending was cut. As it cut expenditures, the Eisenhower Administration cut taxes. Since Jan. 20, 1953, a total of $7.4 billion has been pared off the federal tax bill. But the Administration has failed to realize a long-held Republican aim: it has not balanced the budget.

After a considerable shift in domestic economic policy, the U.S. is more prosperous than ever before. The nation is now producing more goods and services--more steel, more cars, more electric power, more buildings--than it ever did. Personal income and personal disposable income (after taxes) are higher than ever. Corporate profits after taxes are not quite as high as they were in 1950, but the market value of listed shares on the New York Stock Exchange has increased $61 billion since January 1953.

During the adjustment after the end of the Korean war, a dip in employment brought a chorus of doom and gloom. But never before has the U.S. gone through a postwar economic adjustment with so little disturbance. The number of U.S. residents now gainfully employed (62,703,000) is the highest ever for this season of the year. Unemployment (2,489,000) is a regional rather than a national problem, and is centered largely in chronically sick industries, e.g., textiles and coal.

One economic problem approaching national scope is in agriculture. Burdened by a glut of surpluses piled up under the old rigid price-support program, the farm economy has been moving downward. The Eisenhower Administration is standing steadfastly behind the principle that the whole economic farm situation will be better, in the long run, if the new flexible price-support system, which is based closer to supply and demand, is given a chance to work.

Despite the general economic boom, there has been no new inflationary spiral. For two years the cost-of-living index has held generally steady, is now only half a percentage point above the level of April 1953. The value of the dollar has been stabilized--an element of immense importance in the new mood of confidence.

Leader of the Free World. The Eisenhower Administration's-domestic achievement is accompanied by gains in foreign policy. When the Administration first began to take a firmer, more confident position toward Communism, there was considerable resentment among the U.S.'s allies. But the new attitude has paid. In Europe the main result of the firmer attitude has been to bring about the Western European Union, with a free and rearmed West Germany as. a partner. That new element of Western strength has forced the Soviet Union drastically to change its policies. The Soviet retreats in Austria, Yugoslavia and elsewhere give to the free world for the first time in a decade a vision of Communist defeat without war.

No such gain marks the record in Asia. The Korean truce was popular with the U.S. public because it ended the bloodshed and brought the boys home from a war that was getting nowhere. But the Korean truce hurt the anti-Communist cause in Asia; the damage was compounded by the failure in Indo-China. The Geneva agreement, giving much of Viet Nam to the Reds, marked the low point of anti-Communism in Asia. Some observers thought that the descent continued with Eisenhower's expressed willingness to negotiate a cease-fire in the Formosa Strait. The President believed that this move was important in reinforcing the U.S. world reputation as a peace-pursuing nation. Despite the present calm, the U.S. still faces a very dangerous Asian situation.

Dwight Eisenhower continues to talk of peace in terms that convince his countrymen and many of their allies that he means it. Last week he told Vermonters at Rutland: "I know that Americans everywhere are the same in their longing for peace, a peace that is characterized by justice, by consideration for others, by decency, above all by its insistence on respect for the individual human being as a child of his God . . . We merely want to live in peace with all the world, to trade with them, to commune with them, to learn from their culture as they may learn from ours . . . so that our sons may stay at home, the products of our toil may be used for our schools and our roads and our churches and not for guns and planes and tanks and ships of war."

As he approaches the four-power talks at the summit, Eisenhower is ready to enter into any honorable negotiation, but he has made it clear that he has no intention of negotiating away territory, of trading away Formosa or Germany, to gain a Communist signature on a scrap of paper. He proposes to operate from a position of strength, in cooperation with other nations of the free world. "Only strength can cooperate," he told a New Hampshire crowd last week. "Weakness cannot cooperate; it can only beg."

The Administrative Leader. One test of U.S. strength is the condition of its Government, faced as are all contemporary governments with the conflict between special skills, special interests and special viewpoints on one hand and the national interest on the other. Eisenhower, with his long experience of the military staff system, is familiar with this fundamental problem. He respects his department heads far more than Franklin Roosevelt respected his, but he stands less in awe of his military and diplomatic chiefs than did Harry Truman. Naturally, this is especially true in Defense Secretary Charles Erwin Wilson's field, where Eisen hower operates with great self-confidence. Unlike President Truman, who preferred to have the National Security Council prepare a recommendation that he could adopt, Eisenhower prefers to have the NSC brief him in full, so that he can make up his own mind.

In domestic economic matters, Eisen hower is much more dependent on his advisers. He has great confidence in Economic Adviser Arthur Burns and Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey. He gave to Humphrey a general directive to hold down Government expenditures. Obeying it, Humphrey often finds him self in conflict with other department heads; Washington gagsters call Humphrey "Secretary of Everything." But Humphrey's function, long missed in Washington, is the essential one of imposing outside limits on Government activities, limits which force operating depart ments to relearn that economy is the parent of effectiveness. Humphrey and the President have become warm personal friends, and see a good deal of each other outside their official talks. Although the personal relationship is less close, the Pres ident also places great confidence in Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

Once a week the President has break fast with Vice President Richard Nixon, for whose political judgment he has a high regard. The man who is closest to the President has no title in the Administration: he is Milton Eisenhower, president of Pennsylvania State University. Young er (55) brother Milton fills the President's need for a trusted confidant outside the Administration with whom he can discuss almost any issue or policy.

The Legislative Leader. In his relation ships with Capitol Hill, the President has adhered strictly to his clear consciousness of the division of powers in Government under the U.S. Constitution. Generally, he has proposed, and has let the Congress dispose.

Early in his Administration, the President suffered a serious loss in his dealings with Capitol Hill: the death of Ohio's Senator Robert Taft. Old Foes Eisen hower and Taft had become close and understanding friends, and the Ohioan was doing a masterful and loyal job as his party's and his President's leader in the Senate. But when California's Senator William Knowland took over, his frequent differences with the President on impor tant and urgent matters of policy often snarled relations between the White House and Senate.

When Congress has balked at presidential proposals, some of Ike's advisers have urged him to descend into the arena and fight, but he has consistently refused to get tough with Congress. As a result, he has suffered some defeats that might have been avoided, e.g., statehood for Hawaii and Taft-Hartley law modifications. But, in the long run, his policy has produced results. He has won on many of the big issues, getting what he asked (or almost what he asked) on budget, taxes, defense, foreign policy, natural resources, agriculture, trade and aid. He steered the St.

Lawrence Seaway through after 32 years of frustration; he was able to hold off the Bricker amendment despite a strong movement in one wing of his own party.

Throughout, Dwight Eisenhower has resolutely resisted efforts to drag him into every political dogfight on and off Capitol Hill. He has always remained a step above the scuffle. This has dismayed some of his closest supporters, who thought that he would gain more by getting into the fight. There is every evidence, however, that this position above the brawl is a strong point in his popularity with U.S. voters.

The Party Leader. Three years after the Republican Party nominated him as its national standard bearer, Dwight Eisenhower is still inclined to speak of the G.O.P. organization as "they," not as "we." Although the President in 1954 campaigned harder for his party's candidates than any recent President ever has in an off-year election, he has not been able to transfer his own personal popularity to the Republican Party. This week Pollster George Gallup reported that 69% of U.S. voters interviewed in a nationwide poll approved of the way the President is doing his job, only 16% disapproved, and the rest had no opinion. When Gallup asked Democratic voters whether they would like to have Eisenhower as their candidate in 1956 in case the Republicans fail to nominate him, an astonishing 60% said yes.

In the teeth of this, the Republican Party's failures are all the more conspicuous. In 1954 the G.O.P'. not only lost control of both houses of Congress, but also dropped eight governorships and 511 members of state legislatures.

This discrepancy between Eisenhower's popularity and his party's is sometimes explained in terms of the personalities of Republican congressional leaders, sometimes as a consequence of the irresponsibility bred by 20 years in opposition. Neither explanation is entirely adequate. The Republican Party is suffering from a lack of confidence in the theories and principles from which it sprang. It was the party of dynamic capitalism, of manufacturers and independent farmers as opposed to plantation owners, traders and the urban masses. It is a fascinating historical curiosity that in the era of capitalism's greatest practical success (1910-55) it suffered a devastating loss of theoretical prestige. This accounts for the negative quality of so much Republican leadership. Most G.O.P. spokesmen seem able to express what they are against, but not what they are for.

Ironically, Eisenhower, all his life a man of action, has been forced by circumstances into the task of restoring Republican theory. When he speaks--as he more and more frequently does--of the social vitality that lies in freedom from Government control, he nourishes a party that was dying at the top for lack of self-confidence.

What if Eisenhower does not run next year? Last week one California Republican wryly cracked that almost everyone in the state is happy and optimistic except G.O.P. leaders, who are worried to ulcers about what will happen if Ike steps out. Said a Democrat on Capitol Hill: "If Ike doesn't run in '56, it won't make any difference whom the Republicans nominate; the convention won't be over in time for the election." At times, the President frightens party leaders by acting as if he is determined to retire to his farm at Gettysburg, and at other times he brings hope to their hearts.

There was a noticeable chill in the air at the White House one day last week after Charles McWhorter, the newly elected chairman of the Young Republican Na tional Federation, read Ike a resolution that the organization had passed at its convention. The resolution ,urged Ike to run. When McWhorter finished reading it in the perfectly enunciated tones of a network announcer, Ike's comment was: "Well, you got through all of that perfectly." Later in the week, as he toured through New Hampshire, Ike set the political Geiger counters to clacking. At every stop he sounded more and more like a campaigner. He often had a special bow for his White House "chief of staff," former New Hampshire Governor Sherman Adams (who turned out in Bermuda-length shorts to play golf with Ike at Whitefield's Mountain View course). At Concord he explained to a crowd of 20,000 gathered around the old (1819) granite State Capitol that Adams was always lecturing the presidential staff on the glories of New Hampshire. After assuring the voters of New Hampshire that he believed every word of Adams' tales, the President said: "People often ask me what my ideas are on how long I would like a residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. My own thought is: they should ask how long it is going to take Governor Adams to finish up his series of lectures on New Hampshire, because he doesn't seem to be a third of the way through them yet." By press time, the political correspondents traveling with the President had breathlessly figured out and sent clanking over the wires the intelligence that if Adams is only one-third of the way through, it will take him until exactly 1960 to finish.

The fact is that the President has not made up his mind what he will do in 1956. He now genuinely enjoys some important aspects of his job, e.g., communication with the people through the televised press conference. If he could spot a successor who would carry on the Eisenhower program, and who could win the election, he would like to retire. But the most likely prospect is that circumstances, including the lack of a likely successor and the pleas of G.O.P. leaders, will cause him to run again. Said a knowing Republican last week: "He just could not take it--sitting up there in Gettysburg and watching Adlai Stevenson or Averell Harriman unraveling everything he's just got started."

The Man. After 29 months at the most difficult job in the world, Dwight Eisenhower is a remarkable picture and package of health. His cheeks are pink; his eyes are clear. His weight is 177, just 5 Ibs. over his "best" West Point football-playing weight; his blood pressure is 150/84, little changed in three years and considered about right for such an energy-charged man. His physical condition is watched as closely as that of any living man, and the physicians consistently give him high marks.

Despite the medics' enthusiasm, Ike himself has some complaints. Before meals he gulps a spoonful of mild bulk producer to fill up his stomach and cut down on his appetite. Always a heavy eater, he still loves good plain food, has a few exotic tastes, e.g., chili con carne and Chinese dishes. Occasionally, when he indulges these tastes in a hurry and under pressure, he ends up with an upset stomach. At the G.O.P. Convention in Chicago in 1952, he bolted a big Chinese meal, and sent the jitters through his closest supporters when he had to go to bed to recover.

Long ago, he learned to live with a bad left knee that he injured in a football game at West Point in 1912. His other bothersome health problem now is recurring bursitis.* As long ago as 1938, he had his first trouble with bursitis in his left shoulder. During the campaign of 1954, it hit his right shoulder. Unusual exercise or strain that calls for shoulder action (an hour of handshaking can be excruciating) inflames the shoulder; some forms of exercise, e.g., golf and fishing, in which there is less strain on the right shoulder muscles, are not difficult. The President's physicians have used a variety of treatments, e.g., deep heat, X ray, exercise and generous gulps of cod-liver oil. The bursitis is not dangerous, but the pain is still there, and it sometimes keeps the President from sleeping.

Since he moved into the White House, the Eisenhower hair has turned from sandy blond to grey and white, and his face has taken on a few more permanent creases. But, says one physician who has examined the President: "There's less evidence of wear and tear than you'd expect; physically, he's a good ten years younger than his calendar age ."

In mid-1955 the condition of the President of the U.S. and that of his country are remarkably alike: both are healthy, determined and confident, but there is a nagging case of bursitis now and then, and always the possibility of indigestion. As for the President, there is every indication that he is thriving on the job, and believes that he is making progress.

Recently, a friend asked him if he thought that his Administration has "turned the country around." Oh no, he said, certainly no one could turn around a country like the U.S. The question, said the President, reminded him of the time --several years ago--when he was testifying before a congressional committee on military appropriations. He told the committee how a division of troops is deployed in battle, explaining in detail where the headquarters would be, how the communications would be set up, where the supplies would be located, how the men would be moved under varying circumstances. When he had finished, an admiral who had been testifying at the same hearing broke in to tell the committee: "After hearing that, I now realize how easy it is to say, 'Left rudder.' " Dwight Eisenhower's analogy: in a free country of 165 million people, no one can just say "Left rudder," and get results.

But he does believe that the U.S., under his Administration, has made a slight shift toward the basic, long-range domestic course that interests him most. It is a course based on confidence in individual opportunity and individual enterprise and individual freedom. There is some Abilene, Kans. in it. And it means less Federal Government.

Last week in New Hampshire, the President recalled words that were pro claimed on July 4, 1776. "Those writers," he said, "did not create this Government to give us happiness. Far better they knew than to try to define for any one of us happiness." What they did promise was the right to "the pursuit of happiness -- our liberty -- each according to his own desires, to the deepest aspirations of his own soul."

* Where one muscle rubs against another or against some harsh edge of bone, the human body often interposes a bursa. Somewhat like a small collapsed balloon, the bursa has lax walls and a slick lubricated interior surface that equips it to absorb friction. Bursitis is inflammation of one or more of these bearings of the body. It is a common ailment. Nearly all cases are caused by some form of extra wear, tear or injury; usually, the victim is not certain about the specific cause. President Eisenhower does not know exactly what caused his trouble in 1938 or in 1954-

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