Friday, Oct. 13, 1961

This Is the Army

(See Cover)

The sirens screech in the dead of the West German night. In dozens of barracks and off-base housing units, thousands of U.S. men and officers snap awake and dive for field uniforms and equipment. One by one, the diesel engines of the squat, 52-ton M-60 tanks cough and rumble to life. In quick order, the assembled units roar down serpentine German roads toward fighting positions that have long since been plotted for protective cover and fields of fire. Within two hours of the first cry of the sirens, the 14,617-man 3rd Armored Division of the U.S. Seventh Army is braced in battle deployment against any Communist thrust through the "Hessian Corridor"--a stretch of gentle, rolling country that invites invasion from East Germany.

Even on such practice alerts, which take place at least once a month, the 3rd Armored had better be ready, or it will soon hear from its commanding officer, one of the toughest soldiers in a tough U.S. Army. Says Major General Creighton ("Abe") Abrams, 47: "Our mission is to be prepared to fight. We are ready to fight." If war comes in Germany, it will smash against the U.S. Seventh Army, which guards more than 300 miles of the East German and Czechoslovakian border and anchors the NATO defense line that stretches 650 miles from Austria to the North Sea. The most vital mission in the five-division Seventh Army belongs to the 3rd Armored, which must plug the Hessian Corridor, a historic route of conquest. Says Lieut. General Garrison ("Gar") Davidson, 57, commander of the Seventh Army: "The 3rd Armored will give the Reds their first bloody nose."

Wider Choice. Behind the preparations being made by Abe Abrams and his U.S. Army fighting comrades lies the decision made by President John Kennedy last spring to increase the flexibility of the nation's defenses. The main shield of the U.S. remains the thermonuclear deterrent--the strategic missiles and bombers meant to discourage Nikita Khrushchev. But Kennedy holds that the Army must also be ready to fight with gunpowder or with tactical nuclear weapons anywhere from the plains of Europe to the rain forests of Asia. "We intend to have a wider choice than humiliation or all-out nuclear action," he said in his July report to the nation.

Kennedy's personal military adviser is General Maxwell Taylor, a leading exponent of flexible warfare (TIME cover, July 28). Last month the Defense Department merged Stateside Army units and Air Force fighter-bomber squadrons to increase vital air-ground coordination on the battlefield. In appropriations, the Army got an extra $1.4 billion with instructions to spend it mainly on the men and materiel of limited war. Around the world, Army units are getting a badly needed transfusion of modern equipment: the fully automatic M-14 rifle (which finally is replacing the famed M-1 of World War II), the lightweight M-60 machine gun, a lighter and livelier Jeep, the M-60 tank, and enough M-113 armored personnel carriers to give a lift to every footslogging infantryman in the Seventh Army.

Smothering Brushfires. By the end of the year, the Army will have increased from 856,000 to 1,080,000 men. Three Stateside training divisions are being elevated to combat readiness. Two National Guard divisions--the 32nd Infantry from Wisconsin and the 49th Armored from Texas--have been called up, and two more are on alert status. A total of 40,000 men will flesh out the five divisions and supporting units of the Seventh Army, which may also be reinforced by the 4th Infantry and the 2nd Armored by December. In all, the buildup this year will increase the number of Army combat divisions from 41 to 16.

The minimum aim of the Army is to be able to fight two limited wars simultaneously in such distant corners of the world as Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Each of these wars would be fought by a corps of two or three divisions. Even now, the U.S. can drop a battle group (1,800 men) of the combat-ready, U.S.-based xoist Airborne Division into action some 8,500 miles away in 80 hours, put the rest of the division on the line in two weeks. Under present plans, reinforcing divisions would travel by sea; the standard infantry division has far too much heavy equipment to be airlifted.

Another Layer. The Kennedy Administration's defense policies plainly put a life-or-death premium on Army abilities. Just how good is that Army? How ready is it to meet the critical responsibilities assigned to it?

Judged on the Washington level, there seem to be several flaws. "Attacking the Army's problems is like uncovering Troy," says one Army officer. "You always find another layer." Says a top Defense Department official: "I look at the whole mess more in sorrow than in anger." In part, the Army's troubles stem from the Eisenhower Administration's "new look" decision to get a bigger bang for a buck by curtailing the weapons of conventional war and concentrating on the massive nuclear deterrent. From a peak strength of 1,668,579 men and a budget of $21.6 billion during the Korean war, the Army slumped in peacetime to 856,000 men and $9.5 billion in 1961.

But Army leadership also was to blame, as it groped for a new mission in the age of the missile and the atom. With what money it had, the Army joined the interservice scramble for space, developed the Jupiter-C that launched the first satellite in 1958. Army Research and Development spent millions perfecting the intermediate-range, nuclear-tipped Jupiter missile (no kin to Jupiter-C), only to have it taken away by the Department of Defense and given to the Air Force. Other sorely needed Army funds were spent on such Buck Rogers gimmicks as the one-man helicopter and backpack rockets that would turn an infantryman into a flyboy capable of clearing a building.

As a result, the Army was slow in developing the weapons for its historic mission: fighting on the ground. Item: the Army needed only three years to create the Jupiter missile, but required twelve years to develop the M-14 rifle. Item: the Army needed nine years to develop the M-60 machine gun, which only now is beginning to replace World War II models. Item: the Army, after seven years of work, is just now beginning to get the M-60 tank, the answer to the Russians' T-54, which appeared in 1952. But Army tank experts fully expect that the Russians will soon produce a new generation of tanks that can outclass the M60.

As the Army's Chief of Staff from 1953 to 1955, General Matthew Ridgway fought publicly for a bigger budget for conventional warfare--and was eased out of the Pentagon. General Taylor, Ridgway's successor, waged a behind-the-scenes battle--and resigned in 1959 in frustration. Next came two men who have been criticized for their lack of drive. General Lyman ("Lem") Lemnitzer, 62, a brilliant staff officer with little combat experience, served as Army Chief of Staff from 1959 to 1960, then moved up to chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and President Kennedy have made little secret of the fact that they feel Lemnitzer does not have the forceful personality to fit the job. Lemnitzer's successor, General George Decker, 59, is a first-rate controller, a crack golfer and a man who has been described as being "as colorless as a bushel basket full of fog." Army Secretary Elvis J. Stahr, on leave from his job as president of the University of West Virginia, has yet to learn his job, recently admitted publicly that he did not know the difference between a battalion and a battle group.

"Mother!" But the farther from the Pentagon the Army gets, the better it looks. Since 1957, the Army has shucked off nearly 100,000 of its deadbeat "professional privates" that once cluttered up the ranks. A startling 83% of the enlisted men are in the Army for a career. Roughly one-third of all active-duty first lieutenants have had either ranger or paratrooper training. In the Seventh Army, nearly 75% of the officers above the rank of first lieutenant have had combat experience. "The Russian soldier is not nine feet tall to us," says General Bruce Clarke, commander in chief of the U.S. Army in Europe (USAREUR) and NATO's Central Army Group (CENTAG). Says Davidson: "The Soviet and Czech soldiers may have more rural ruggedness than our kids, but there's no mental comparison. Man for man and weapon for weapon, I'll take our people any time."

Army training methods are excellent. At Fort Jackson, S.C., last week, Company B, 2nd Battalion, ist Training Regiment fidgeted in new, stiff fatigues and listened to Sergeant Delma Stanfill bark out the basic facts about a gas mask. At the end of the drill, after they had practiced donning the mask, another sergeant tested them by dropping smoke and tear gas grenades near by. About 20 of the basic trainees bolted in terror for the woods. In the past, trainees have cried for their mothers. But, after this first day of panic, most of the trainees complete the tough, eight-week course with flying colors, move on for further instruction to the three training divisions of the Strategic Army Force: the ist and 2nd Infantry and the 2nd Armored divisions.

The elite of the Stateside divisions are the 4th Infantry and the all-volunteer 82nd and 101st Airborne, which make up the Strategic Army Corps, the combat-ready reserve that would be thrown into battle wherever it might break out around the world.

"Jump Again." At the 82nd Airborne's jump school at Fort Bragg, N.C., last week, a trainee leaped from a 35-ft. tower and was jerked up like a marionette by the wire attached to his shoulder harness. When he reached the ground, the trainee's lips were flecked with blood. The instructor ignored it. "Your exit was too quick and you didn't keep your elbows in," he snapped. "Jump again." Near by a captain walking behind a row of trainees suddenly barked: "Hit it!" The men bowed seemingly in unison and shouted: "Airborne!" But four who had been slow to react by a flicker were set to doing pushups. Explained the captain: "We teach them to respond instantly to stimuli, such as a command." Under pressure of this sort, morale is sky-high in the 82nd. Enlisted men call out "All the way, sir!" when they salute an officer, get the reply: "Airborne!" One 82nd sergeant trained men while encased in a crotch-to-neck cast that protected three broken vertebrae. After a recent training jump, the 82nd marched 85 miles back to Fort Bragg. Major General Theodore J. Conway, division commander, jumped with his men and hiked all the way.

At Fort Campbell, Ky., the 101st Airborne is as ready to go as a sprinter braced on the starting blocks. Everything the division owns can be carried by air except the barracks: 25-ton M41 tanks, antitank guns, Jeeps, the "mechanical mule" (a kind of motorized flatbed wagon), field kitchens, ground radar, and the 15-mile Honest John rocket, which can be fitted with a nuclear warhead. One company (300 men) is always ready to move out within an hour; an entire battle group (1,800 men) can be on its way in four. Every morning, every man on alert assumes he will be headed for combat before nightfall. He gets his bedding ready to be turned in. Private cars are parked in a special lot. A folder containing each man's personal papers--including his will--is kept up to date.

Sharpened Knives. Around the world, other Army units are on the picket line. G.I.s muffled in cold-weather gear patrol the white wastes of the Arctic. In the jungles of South Viet Nam, guerrilla-fighting experts of the Army's newly formed Special Forces teach villagers how to fire the Mi, then lead them on forays against the Communist raiders that are filtering across the border in increasing numbers. In Hawaii, the 25th Infantry Division is trained in the stealthy art of jungle warfare. During maneuvers, men of the 25th drill on techniques of getting along with native tribes, eat roots and insects served up by their buddies masquerading as witch doctors and chiefs. Dug in on the hillsides of Korea, the ist Cavalry and 7th Infantry divisions guard the battle-torn border.

If the Communists decide to touch off a brushfire in Southeast Asia, the first Army troops to swing into action would be the 2,000 paratroopers of the 503rd Battle Group, which is stationed on Okinawa 1,500 miles from South Viet Nam. Despite the knowledge that they are expendable troops, the spirit of the 503rd men is so high that many were genuinely disappointed that they did not get into action earlier this year during the Laotian crisis. Says Captain Jere Hickman: "We were sharpening our knives. I felt sorry for the enemy." The paratroopers share Okinawa with the rugged 3rd Marine Division, which also would be thrown into a fight in Southeast Asia. "We can go into any landlocked country anywhere," says one 503rd officer. "Every single bit of our equipment is parachutable. Every man jumps even our chaplains. They don't carry guns, but they can pass the ammunition."

Atomic Backstop. But of all the U.S. Army troops, the men most under the Communist gun are those of the Seventh Army in Germany. NATO Supreme Allied Commander Lauris Norstad calls the Seventh "the best-equipped, best-led and best-trained Army the U.S. has ever fielded in peacetime." Says Seventh Army Commander Gar Davidson: "I'm confident we can handle whatever the So viets throw at us, and you can be damned sure there'll be a lot less Russians around if they do."

But if the Seventh Army is strong,

NATO as a whole has real problems. The U.S. is the only major power to come close to fulfilling its troop commitments to NATO. As a result, instead of having the agreed-upon number of 28 divisions, NATO has but 22, and many of these are so undermanned that NATO's fighting strength is equal only to 16 or 17 divisions. Against these, the Soviet Union has 20 Russian and six German divisions poised in East Germany, could throw another 20 or more divisions into action within a week's time. NATO is especially weak on the northern flank of the Seventh Army, where understrength British, Dutch and Belgian units guard the invasion routes across the flat plains.

Were the Russians to attack and keep rolling, NATO would unhesitatingly resort to its tremendous nuclear firepower. The Seventh Army alone can lay down a simultaneous barrage of some 200 nuclear explosions with its 280-mm. gun, 8-in. howitzers, and such missiles as the Honest John, the 75-mile Corporal, the 200-mile Redstone and the 25-mile Lacrosse. In addition, NATO's tactical air forces, built around U.S. fighter-bombers, could unleash an overwhelming nuclear bombardment. Fighting with the atom, NATO has calculated that it could stop the Russians, even if they threw 40 divisions into the attack and supported them with their own tactical and strategic weapons.

The Razor's Edge. But the Seventh Army must also be prepared to fight with conventional weapons, and no one knows it better than the 3rd Armored's General Abrams. "We're combat-ready in 'atomics,' " he says, "but a lot of things could happen without having to use them. If I thought only in terms of 'atomics,' and I couldn't use them for ten days or so, then, by God, I couldn't get the job done right."

To get the job done right, with whatever it takes, General Abrams is honing his 3rd Armored to a razor's edge. Each man spends some 135 days a year on field maneuvers. The division's tanks and combat vehicles are kept stocked with a full supply of ammunition. Since taking command of the division a year ago, Abrams has weeded out some 200 officers and men who did not shape up to his standards. Abrams tries every day to get away from the paperwork at his headquarters in Frankfurt, climb aboard his personal Bell helicopter and whirl off to inspect everyone in a unit from bird colonel to buck private. "No one is more deliberate in planning for war," says General Bruce Clarke of Abrams. "No one is more violent in execution."

At the Bottom. Abe Abrams has spent years living down a family nickname of "Tootsie," a fond reference to his cherubic babyhood back home in Springfield. Mass. Abrams was the oldest of three children born to Creighton Abrams Sr., a railroad hand on the Boston & Albany, and the former Nellie Randall, the daughter of an estate caretaker. When Abrams was a boy, the family settled in the rural area of nearby Feeding Hills. There Abrams raised baby beef, ran a trap line for skunk and muskrat, patched together a wheezing model T and learned to shoot by drilling holes with his .22 through tin cans tossed up by his father.

In high school Abrams won nearly every academic and extracurricular honor in sight. As captain and center of the football team, he led his school to an undefeated, untied and unscored-upon season and the championship of Western Massachusetts. One day a West Point graduate lectured at school and enraptured Abe with tales of the Academy and its spirit.

As a cocky plebe, Abrams had problems at West Point. "The hazing was degrading," says Abrams today. "I gladly would have resigned at any time, but I didn't see how I could go home to face my friends and family." Abrams swiped food from the mess hall, anointed an upper-classman's radiator with Limburger cheese, kept a contraband radio in a hollowed-out corner of his mattress, and plinked away at the hindquarters of upperclassmen with an air rifle. Recalls Abrams: "The only thing in which I was outstanding was discipline. I was at the bottom of the class." What with his guerrilla warfare against the Point, Abrams stood a mediocre 185th in his class of 276 upon graduation in 1936. That year Abrams married an athletic, auburn-haired Vassar graduate named Julia Harvey, who regularly drove him to distraction by trouncing him in tennis, and began his Army career on horseback in the ist Cavalry stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas.

Born to Battle. With the 1st Cavalry, Abrams earned the reputation of being the worst polo player in the U.S. Army, and mastered the day's standard tactics of how to attack an enemy tank: circle it at 15 yds. with five troopers like Indians closing in on a wagon train. Not until Hitler's Panzer divisions blitzkrieged France out of World War II in 1940 did the Army really begin its own tank program. Assigned to the brand-new 4th Armored Division, Abrams rose to command the 37th Battalion with the rank of major, drilled his tankers incessantly in marksmanship--particularly on getting in the second shot. Says Abrams: "We really shot much too much, but God, it paid off later."

The 37th Battalion was a fearsome weapon of destruction from the moment it wheeled into action in Normandy in July 1944. From the start, Abrams showed the feel and flair of the born combat man. As General George Patton's Third Army led the conquering sweep across Europe, the 4th Armored Division led the Third Army, the 37th Tank Battalion led the 4th Armored--and Abe Abrams led the 37th. Leaning out of his Sherman tank, he chomped on a huge cigar and rallied his tankers with his war cry: "Attack! Attack! Attack!" Said Abrams:

"I like to be out on the point where there's nothing but me and the goddam Germans and we can fight by ourselves."

When the 101st Airborne was surrounded at the Battle of the Bulge, Abrams led the relief column into Bastogne with an attack that was watched with un abashed professional admiration by Panzer Commander Fritz Bayerlein. Later, Abrams led the dash to the Rhine, moved so fast that he captured an astonished lieutenant general and his staff at their desks. Fighting far out in front of the Third Army, Abrams was frequently cut off. "They've got us surrounded again," he once said, "those poor bastards." Said General George Patton of his aggressive tank commander: "I'm supposed to be the best tank commander in the Army, but I have one peer--Abe Abrams. He's the world champion."

Because Abrams worked in close tandem with an infantry major named Harold Cohen, the Nazis assumed they were both Jewish, took to calling them "Roosevelt's Butchers." In fact, Abrams is not Jewish--he is a Methodist and his ancestors were English--but he often fought as though he was waging a personal crusade against the Germans. Said Abrams at the time: "There's too much stress on taking prisoners. Our job is to annihilate the enemy."

Job to Be Done. After the war, to the surprise of colleagues, Abrams calmed down enough to become a fine staff officer. He rewrote the book on armored tactics--putting the stress on the shock value of the mass attack. He served with distinction as chief of staff of three successive corps during the Korean war, and weathered the Pentagon on a tour spent working with the reserves. When he took the command of the 3rd Armored, Abrams moved into a big house outside of Frankfurt with his wife and the four youngest of their six children. The general takes his two little girls out for Sunday ice cream treats, wrestles shoes onto the plump feet of Brucie, and cheers with his bull-toned bellow for 15-year-old John, who plays tackle on the high school team.

But in thought or action, Abrams is never far away from his 3rd Armored Division. Last week he was busily checking with his troops as they worked to master the new equipment that was flooding in. He approved of the M-60 machine gun with the cold, matter-of-fact terms of the professional soldier. "Now my platoons can kill more men." He listened intently as his men talked about the M-60 tank and its 105-mm. gun. "Someone who makes tanks finally started taking suggestions from the people who use them," said Sergeant Reuben Hawes. "I can shoot a country mile with this tank."

Abrams nodded. "The Hessian Corridor is a playground for tanks," he said later, and for a moment the old light of battle flamed in the eyes of the combat soldier. Abrams makes no bones about his pride in commanding U.S. soldiers at a critical point in Western defenses. "If there's going to be trouble," says Abrams, "I prefer to be right here and right in this division. This is the job I want."

It is also a job that has to be done--and last week at induction depots, in training camps and on the frontiers of the cold war, the growing, improving Army was preparing to do it.

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