Friday, Dec. 16, 1966

Nominations Are in Order

Sir: The Man of the Year for 1966 is Mr. Richard M. Nixon, who led the Republican Party to victory on Nov. 8 and restored the two-party system in the U.S.

JAN KUNCIR Flushing, N.Y.

Sir: Bishop James A. Pike, for his 20th century pilgrimage in a search and battle for historical and theological truth v. the superstition and paganism of the Middle Ages.


Sir: I suggest that enigmatic leader of enigmatic China: Mao Tse-tung. Not for being so often openly in the news. But for being always predominant in the minds of all those who are in the news.

T. H. SCHAAP Vlaardingen, Holland

Sir: President Johnson, U Thant and Ho Chi Minh. Each for different reasons. I. S. MENON, M.D. Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England

Sir: Everett Dirksen.

HELEN BOYD CHRISTAL Palma, Mallorca, Spain

Sir: Attorney General and Senator-elect Edward W. Brooke from Massachusetts.

MRS. DAVID CHEN Bedford, Mass.

Sir: Our Gemini astronauts. They made us proud to be Americans.


Sir: Rhodesia's Ian Smith, who has kept his nation unflinchingly stable throughout this turbulent year.

JERRY LERMAN Toronto, Ont.

Sir: How about the Beatles and the Mod set?

ANDREW COOPER Allentown, Pa.

Sir: Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, who has presented the world with an image of the ideal woman.


Sir: Stokely Carmichael has had more effect on the news of this past year than any other individual. You have not appreciated his greatness. I trust that you will realize his importance by naming him Man of the Year.

RALPH TYLER University of Illinois Urbana, Ill.

Sir: God. For somebody who has been on the skids and even reported as dead, his publicity this year has been tremendous. Also, I'm anxious to see him on your cover.

CECILY COWAN Greeneville, Tenn.

Contemplating the Chancellor

Sir: Your cover story "Renewal on the Rhine" [Dec. 9] was excellent and will contribute to the understanding between people and nations. Again, TIME has shown its superiority in reporting world events. You did a great service to the United States and its ally Germany by not following the recent general trend of poisoning the readers with new prejudice and hatred.

E. MUELLER Milwaukee, Wis.

Sir: Twenty-five years ago the United States, Poland, Soviet Union and United Kingdom lost a total of 9,800,968 men. The Jewish people lost over one half their numbers: 6,000,000. Have we forgotten? Germany evidently has, in view of the election of Kiesinger as Chancellor.

The Chancellor says he quit the party and became an ex-Nazi. Ex-Nazi or not, the world cannot take a chance; there is too much at stake.

PETER J. MOLAY Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Sir: Unlike virtually all other reports on Germany and Kiesinger by the various news media, your favorable account was a pleasure to read. It helped to offset the effects of 20 years of tongue-lashing.

REINHOLD A. AMAN Austin, Texas

Man for the Mountains

Sir: Please tell Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller to move over to Kentucky when his work is completed in Arkansas [Dec. 2]. We could use a "shining knight" too.

MRS. GENE KORTE Lexington, Ky.

Sir: You have given one man sole credit for the cultural and industrial rebirth of a state that you describe as being composed almost entirely of boors and rustics. I believe that if you looked a little more deeply into a complete cross section of our lovely state, you would find the intelligentsia to be composed not entirely of Yankees and visitors. Well-educated sons and daughters were returning to Arkansas before Rockefeller. It was no 13-year money miracle. May Rockefeller's administration be successful -but not at the expense of Arkansas.


Sir: I'm so proud of Arkansas I could bust! Spending a week there prior to the election, I talked with some of my home state's nonurban residents about voting for Rockefeller. Knowing the mountain people's lukewarm attitude toward "furriners," and rich 'uns to boot, I was anything but confident of his chances. I could only hope that my wonderful Arkansawyers would realize what a dedicated and resourceful man they had going for them.

MOLLY J. ROTH Lafayette, Ind.

Sir: As a fellow student with Winthrop Rockefeller at Loomis School in Connecticut in the late '20s, I and other members of the student body observed Win's acumen in political organization and administration. As a result, the Loomis Political Club, of which Win was first elected secretary-treasurer and later president, was most successful during his student days.

Having spent some years here in Washington, I can attest to the need for Win's talents on the national scene. Perhaps he will be the Rockefeller who first obtains the presidential nomination.

DAVID M. KLINEDINST Loomis '30 Washington, D.C.

Statement of Belief

Sir: The central thrust of the report of the National Advisory Council on Education of Disadvantaged Children [Dec. 9] is to praise federally sponsored summer school programs and to recommend strongly their continuation. In pur role as constructive critic, the council reported those aspects of the total program comment could lead to constructive change. Naturally, these are the areas where problems exist. Your readers should know that we stated that "dollars thoughtfully expended on summer schools may be the most productive dollars spent by Title I."


National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children Washington, D.C.


Sir: Repent for not supporting the 1964 G.O.P. nomination? Phooey! If Romney and Rockefeller refuse to repent for following their consciences [Dec. 2], congratulations! I shall never understand why political parties expect their members to follow like blind sheep.


Sir: If the Republican Party keeps faith with its fine tradition of giving us the best it has, then George Romney should be a shoo-in.

His popular appeal, intellectual capacity, lucidity of thought, succinctness of expression, unemotional objectivity, unequivocal stance and vast experience in domestic and foreign affairs are completely reminiscent of Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Symphony in Every Pot

Sir: TIME'S Essay, "The New Melting Pot" [Dec. 2], has contributed greatly to a much needed and long overdue restatement of the structure and function of the U.S. Our democratic republic has always been the pioneer of the brotherhood of nationalities, the hope of the democratic governments and the champion of the U.N., so that this institution of all nations shall emerge as an effective instrument of peace and justice for all. As long as this American function continues, it will substantially encourage the pursuit of world improvement.


Sir: It is difficult for me to envisage any kind of melting pot. As far as I know, in a melting pot all colors turn out grey. I see the American ethnic groups as a huge symphony orchestra in which each instrument retains its own characteristics, makes its particular contribution and, together with the other instruments, creates a wonderful or a terrible sound. Surely, to achieve a good sound, a French horn does not become a violin, nor does a piccolo turn into a kettledrum; rather, each strives harder to play in harmony with the others.

STANLEY ULMAN Orchard Lake, Mich.

Party Poop

Sir: In an otherwise pleasant and accurate account of my dance [Dec. 9], TIME reported that I supplied the New York Times with a list of those invited. Although it is true that the Times printed a somewhat incomplete and inaccurate guest list, this list was not obtained from me nor was it published with my knowledge or permission.

TRUMAN CAPOTE Southampton, N.Y.

Paeans to Pablo

Sir: Good heavens! From where do you suppose came Matisse's grand sense of structure, the color and style of Gorky's early compositions, Moore's inflated, floating female forms, De Kooning's voluptuous women, and Bacon's double-faced images? The past 50 years of art are utterly unthinkable without Picasso's influence [Dec. 2], and I mean after 1914 as well as before. His work may still evoke "anger and adulation," but to say that "modern art would have existed with or without Picasso" is really going a bit too far.


Surgery for Transsexuals

Sir: Two wrongs do not make a right. The irresponsible tampering with the body [Dec. 2] of a helpless soul should be censured as unethical and punished as malpractice. I wonder how Johns Hopkins could lend its authority to this vicious kind of surgery, which is based on a most stupid "logic" of its inventor and followers.

CHARLES L. JOSA, M.D. Clinton, S.C.

Sir: Transsexuals indeed! Is there one among us who has not felt at one time or another that those of the opposite sex "have it made"? We cannot, however, solve our emotional problems by allowing ourselves to be turned into freaks. I'm all for medical progress, but this barbaric procedure should be stopped.

MRS. L. BRITT Boston

Write to Dissent

Sir: As a graduate of a Jesuit institution like the College of Holy Cross, I should be interested to learn how the two young men (Mr. George E. Engdahl Jr. and Mr. Robert M. Conway) have fared since they dared to write -and have published -a letter [Dec. 2] correctly stating that the stand of the Roman Catholic Church is "narrow-minded, archaic," etc., rebirth control. Their correct appraisal is equaled only by their outright courage -for I can recall the day when to voice, much less to publish, a critique of the church, by a student within one of its institutions, was to have culminated in immediate expulsion -preceded by a dictated letter of recantation. Either the church has indeed changed, or these individuals are now seeking academic pursuits elsewhere.


>> Doing very nicely, without a word from anyone in authority.

Song of the Catbird

Sir: TIME'S assessment of Yevtushenko as a poet [Dec. 2] agrees with mine: no nightingale. Perhaps catbird or magpie.

But TIME'S critic must know that Herbert Marshall's translation (especially his "dud rhymes -'trees-industries,' 'linger-lingo,' 'see-literacy' ") is a successful attempt to re-create the Russian poet's technique. While this type of rhyme is not even considered rhyme in our English tradition, Russians make use of it. And, especially with Yevtushenko and other modern poets, it is such a special feature that it cannot be ignored in the translation of their poems. Rhymes such as "micropore-Metro-pole" and "Perlovke-perlone" are duds directly from Yevgeny himself.


Rocks from the Cradle

Sir: I'm writing you about your article on Walt Disney's The Fighting Prince of Donegal [Dec. 2]. This article said that for children it's supposed to be dull. I think the movie was wonderful. It was my favorite movie, same with my sisters. I'd love to see it again. It's not a dull stew! My sisters are Julie, 7, and Diane, 9.

LAURIE WECHTER, AGE 10 Kalamazoo, Mich.

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