Monday, Jun. 05, 1978
A Bonnie Prince
To the Editors:
With his intelligence, wit, self-discipline and sense of duty and concern for his people, Britain's Prince Charles [May 15] is already a king.
Gary J. Martin Brighton, Mich.
While Britain operates with a professionally trained management team of Elizabeth, Philip, Charles & Co., we muddle on with cattle ranchers, third-rate lawyers and peanut farmers with no leadership background. You don't suppose they'd lend us Charles, do you?
Richard F. Schafer Anchorage, Alaska
You could select any minority kid from the Detroit ghetto and, with the same opportunity, achieve the same results.
Uncommon man? Yes. Uncommon opportunity? Yes.
Jon Hill Richland, Mich.
The importance of the English monarchy lies not in its power but in the power it denies to others. As Lord Carrington said: "Malta is not so important as it was, but it remains important that no one else has it."
(Mrs.) Iris Harvey London
The English preserve their monarchy --an expensive anachronism--as a symbol of their past glory. A nation that can adopt the idea of inherent inequality, a premise upon which monarchy is based, can also adopt the idea of its own superiority in the family of nations.
Thomas L. Mason Portland, Ore.
So Prince Charles "believes it is essential to make a concerted effort to reduce the barriers of prejudice and mis understanding." Considering the royal family's long cherished prejudice against Roman Catholics, one hopes that he will some day practice what he preaches.
Mary Charles Dublin
When his coronation comes, the new King will choose which of his four given names he wishes to rule under. There are no visions of Camelot in Charles, or Philip, or George. But Arthur! King Arthur! The legend would come to life, and with it, perhaps the renaissance of England.
Stanley N. Arnold New York City
Dangerous to Be Good
Aldo Moro was a man of peace, patiently endeavoring to bring some semblance of order to strife-torn Italy. His death [May 22] brings to mind the words of George Bernard Shaw at the time of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi: "This shows how dangerous it is to be too good."
(Mrs.) Rachel A. Braden Atlanta
The entire world should applaud the Italian government for its stand against terrorist demands. Giving in only paves the way for more terrorism.
Roger Hall Kelso, Wash.
You recently asked if terrorism can be checked without curbing civil rights. The answer, as everybody well knows in this part of the world, is a big no.
Where were the United Nations, the heads of democratic governments, the press, etc., when guerrillas were terrorizing my country? Or didn't they know of the hundreds of "Moros," civilian and military, being murdered by terrorists until the armed forces took over and reestablished order in the country?
Gerardo G.A. Barna Buenos Aires
Needed: an international campaign to wipe out terrorism, as piracy was once obliterated.
Michael Danby Elwood, Australia
"Destroying" Carter?
Re your Essay "Are We 'Destroying' Jimmy Carter?" [May 15]: Bravo! Instead of blaming everything on the President or Congress or lobbies or Big Business or Big Labor or the Arabs or the Israelis or ... we should look into the mirror.
F. Wesley Dixon Omaha
I suspect that the presidency, somewhere in the past quarter-century, became a job no one person can handle. When we finally realize this and make some adjustments--perhaps a group of three people should hold the Chief Executive's job (one man and two women)--we will remember Carter's efforts to govern, as the last one-person President, as valiant.
Patricia M. Black Nutley, N.J.
Are we "destroying" President Carter? I hope so.
John W. Jones Houston
The populist who tries to please everyone winds up pleasing no one.
M. Robert Paglee Moorestown, N.J.
It's-great to live in a country that permits us the freedom to heap unlimited criticism upon our leaders, but don't you think we are abusing the privilege a bit too much?
(Mrs.) Geraldine Gibbs Oak Harbor, Ohio
No Blast
TIME reported that "Commerce Secretary Juanita Kreps blasted [President] Carter's handling of the Bert Lance affair" [May 15]. This statement is not true, and I would appreciate your setting the record straight.
Ernest A. Lotito
Director of Public Affairs
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C.
Mr. Lotito is correct. It was Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland who called for Bert Lance's resignation.
Like It Is
Bravo, Jimmy! A man with the guts to say it like it is to doctors and lawyers [May 8], he has justified my vote.
John K. Burkley Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
I would trust my lawyer more than I trust Carter's banker--Bert Lance.
David F. Cargo Lake Oswego, Ore.
Powers-Abel Revisited
As general counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the Powers-Abel exchange, I have personal knowledge of that episode, which is mentioned in your story on the recent prisoner-swapping triple play [May 15].
You say Wolfgang Vogel negotiated the exchange of Powers for Abel in 1962. This is inaccurate. The negotiations were begun by James B. Donovan, the lawyer who had defended Abel in court and had kept in touch with him in prison. Constantly keeping in touch with me, he carried on a subtle correspondence with "Mrs. Abel," leading up to a series of meetings in East Berlin with a KGB colonel with whom the terms of the exchange were agreed upon. Vogel came into the picture in connection with two American students who had been held in East Germany and were released at the same time. Mr. Donovan carried out a most skillful negotiation, for which he deserves full credit.
Lawrence R. Houston Washington, D.C.
Double Standard
I am appalled at the double standard in American-Israeli relations. On the one hand, Menachem Begin feels he can brush aside American suggestions on the peace negotiations because they constitute interference in Israeli affairs [May 15]. On the other hand, the Israelis brazenly deploy lobbyists and their government officials to pressure our Congress into voting against the stated policy of the President of the U.S.
Donald J. Mitarotonda McGuire Air Force Base, N.J.
Would we permit Mr. Brezhnev to come and campaign against the U.S. position in the SALT negotiations? I do not think so.
Robert L. Baker Sun City, Ariz.
It is O.K. to sell the F-15s to Saudi Arabia--as long as we give the keys to the Israelis.
T. Sidney Harley Golden, Mo.
Auction in North Dakota
I read with interest the American Scene piece "In North Dakota: A Farm Is Sold" [May 15]. It has been nearly 30 years now since Dad sent me to the University of Illinois so I could "make a living with my head instead of my back." Even today when spring comes, the instincts come back. It is time to prepare the ground and plant.
I really doubt if anyone who has grown up in town can understand the feelings one develops for the land. It goes deeper than just liking plants and animals: the land itself becomes part of you. James R. Brown Columbia, Mo.
So the Axtmans sold the farm, bought a three-bedroom, split-level home and have cash of close to $100,000. We, who have not had the good fortune to be "victims of agribusiness," wonder: Why have we been forced to contribute to the payment of subsidies?
Hanson H. Monroe Santa Barbara, Calif.
Driving Under the Affluence
Thank you for your article "Autos That Make the Statusphere" [May 15]. The pictures of those "Superchariots" are about as close as I'll ever get.
Jeff White Wyandotte, Mich.
The appeal of the replicar is to the newly rich who have not acquired the sophistication to appreciate the real thing. Martha M. Smith Portland, Me.
Don't Knock That Sake
Re your piece on drinking in Japan [May 22]: A country that spends more money on alcohol than on weapons is at least a peace-loving nation. And the day may come when those sake-nipping Nipponese workers work less hard and export fewer cars, television sets and steel to the U.S., thus curing the most serious areas of trade imbalance between the U.S. and Japan.
Toshio Yagi Tokyo
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