Monday, Apr. 02, 1984
"Relations Cannot Be Normal"
King Hussein had spent the day on military exercises and still wore dark green battle fatigues and a side arm in a holster when he received Time Inc. Editor in Chief Henry Grunwald, TIME Managing Editor Ray Cave and Chief of Correspondents Richard Duncan in Amman last week. Excerpts from the conversation:
On U.S. policy. It is not a question of President Reagan, whom I respect very much. I believe he is committed to peace. But the whole scene in Washington has changed so much. The influence of Israel on the Congress is tremendous. I don't know how this serves U.S. national interests. It is a real tragedy. If I had known that the President was going to have to go before the [United Jewish Appeal] to appeal to them to help to get us the Stingers, I would not have sought it for the President.
If the American elections are so important, and the American constituency is so important, can't people realize that we have a constituency as well? And that [pro-Israeli moves by the U.S.] are at the expense of our credit, which is diminishing by being your friends? Until a more balanced attitude prevails in the US., conditioned by American national interests in the region, relations between the U.S. and the Arab world cannot be normal.
On pressure to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Why did this issue come out now, and at the initiative of the U.S. Congress and not the government of Israel? This is the sad situation we're in: Israel can receive arms, grants, help and all other kinds of assistance without question. Israel has a right to veto anything the U.S. decides to do for any of its Arab friends.
There is a double standard in all of this. Consider your stand on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Why are the guerrillas there seen as "mujahedin" [or freedom fighters] while here the Palestinians are seen [by the U.S.] as "terrorists" who have no rights? And the settlements. They were first described [by the U.S.] as "illegal," later as an "obstacle," now as an "impediment." Shortly they will be just an "eyesore."
On the Palestine Liberation Organization. My talks with [P.L.O. Chairman Yasser] Arafat have been constructive. I am going to try to influence the P.L.O. to continue along a path that could lead to a situation where both of us would contribute to the cause of peace in the region and alleviate the tremendous pressure on the people under occupation and free the land. Whether we are willing to negotiate or not, when we look at Israel's West Bank settlements, we see a deadlocked, impossible situation.
On Lebanon and Syria. I believe that what happened in Lebanon threatens Syria, which is composed of elements similar to those of Lebanon. Jordan is anxious not to fall victim to the process of fragmentation in the region. Our independence, our Arab character and identity as a people are at stake.
In 1970 we had a Syrian invasion of this country. In 1980 we almost had an invasion. A small incident could have triggered a major war. It could happen again.
On the Soviets. The U.S. is in a position to launch peace initiatives in the Middle East; the Soviet Union is not. But the Soviet Union can block progress on any peace initiative from which it is excluded. So why not involve the Russians and call their bluff?
On the growth of Islamic fundamentalism. I think it is a direct reaction to the many insults and frustrations that people have suffered in this area. It is dangerous when it is controlled from outside. I think a person's belief is a great strength, but it is also a very vulnerable point. I do not think that what we have seen arise in this area has anything to do with religion or faith. It is something I cannot stand for. It is unjustified; it has nothing to do with religion.