Monday, Apr. 23, 1984
Haig Speaks
To the Editors:
After reading Alexander Haig's memoirs [SPECIAL SECTION, April 2], I realize that his defeat was not self-inflicted. Haig made the mistake of being a professional in a collection of amateurs. He is honest and intelligent. It is a great loss for this country that he is no longer Secretary of State.
Michael R. Gossett Gurley, Ala.
I was amazed by the shallowness of the man.
William R. Porter Grants Pass, Ore.
Haig will be remembered as the man who came in a lion and left a lamb.
Andrew A. Gerda Pittsburgh
What a shame that a giant like Haig was toppled by a midget like Meese.
Jack Zawid Atlantic City, N.J.
Haig's self-serving insufferable. comments were
Mark E. Rorvig Berkeley, Calif.
I object to Haig's use of the word obsequiousness in referring to Jimmy Carter. The former President's quiet way of attaining his goals is preferable to Haig's belligerence.
Leone M. Cobb Hardwick, Vt.
Middle East Views
In his interview with TIME'S editors, President Hafez Assad of Syria [WORLD, April 2] wrongly attributes American support of Israel to the political power of an "organized Jewish force that dictates its views through the media and through financial institutions." Assad should realize that Israel is strategically important to the U.S. because it serves as a counterbalance to nations like Syria that are under the influence of the Soviets.
Scott F. Sadoff Baltimore
As Assad's comments make clear, the only way to achieve peace in the Middle East is for this country to adopt an unbiased policy in that area. Americans will soon realize that close to $3 billion a year for Israel does not foster peace.
Robert S. Hart Dallas
In its short history, Israel has occupied portions of Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. It has bombed Iraq, invaded Lebanon and passively stood by while refugees were massacred. Yet not one leader has asked the obvious question: Why does Israel object to defensive weapons for Jordan and Saudi Arabia?
Evelyn Adams La Grange, Ill.
The interview with Assad did not include questions about Syria's abuse of human rights or the massacre at Hama, where Assad ordered thousands of Syrians killed. Nor was he asked about Syria's Jews, who cannot leave the country.
Joel Mass Parkville, Australia
My answer to King Hussein and President Assad: Abdicate your throne and resign from your presidency, schedule free elections, and release your political prisoners. Only then can you dare ask for American evenhandedness.
Ariel Ferdman Cambridge, Mass.
Poisoned Weapons
If Iraq is using poison gas [WORLD, April 2], it would use nuclear weapons if it had them. The world is in debt to Israel for destroying the Iraqi nuclear plant a few years ago.
John Gillard Watson Oxford, England
Measuring Mitterrand
Europe desperately needs a statesman like Franc,ois Mitterrand [WORLD, April 2] to help ensure peace and a strong economy. He is firm in his policies toward the East bloc countries, yet recognizes the importance of a strong European Community. He is the only Socialist I admire.
Martin Kleen Bad Windsheim, West Germany
The French left elected a Socialist President in May 1981, only to discover that Mitterrand is neither a Marxist nor a
Socialist. He is a turncoat and warmonger, as demonstrated by his policies in Chad and Lebanon and his stand in favor of Euromissiles. As a French civil servant and teacher, I have seen my living standard deteriorate and my taxes increase. I voted for Mitterrand in 1981. Next time I will think twice before I give him my vote.
Pierre A. Day re Montfermeil, France
Mitterrand may have shown determination and foresight in his foreign policies, but his management of France's domestic affairs has been woefully incoherent. France has had to pay heavily for Mitterrand's spending. The Socialist dream is over.
Franc,ois Vannereau Besanc,on, France
Congratulations on your story concerning France's political and economic situation. Your report was comprehensive and unbiased.
Alfred W.H. Spencer Strasbourg, France
Cardinal and Crucifixes
Considering how brutal the Polish government can be, it is better to take down the crucifixes in Polish schools
[WORLD, March 26], as Cardinal Glemp suggests, than to have the entire Polish Roman Catholic hierarchy in prison.
Angelina Sciolla Southampton, Pa.
Pickup Pooch
Bravo to Charles Kuralt and his loving look at us Americans in his television series On the Road [PRESS, April 2]. However, I was concerned when I learned that Kuralt wants to do a show about dogs riding in the back of pickup trucks. If he loves dogs, Kuralt will do a story on why these animals should not sit there. Riding in the wind is devastating to those soft, lovely eyes. Ask a veterinarian.
Elizabeth Pinkham Pacific Palisades, Calif.
Blighted Housing
Your article surveying public housing [NATION, Feb. 13] described the St. Nicholas Houses in Harlem as a place where "elevators rarely work" and said the project's 4,000 residents have had heat "only intermittently" this winter. Our records show that for January only one of the project's 28 elevators was out of service, because we had difficulty obtaining a new part. The remaining 27 lifts were out of service (from the time they were reported out to the time they were repaired) 2.1% of their running time. As for heat, 47 complaints (out of 1,526 apartments) were made during the cold month of January. All were dealt with within 24 hours. This is a far cry from elevators rarely working and heat being supplied intermittently.
Val Coleman, Director
Public Information
New York City Housing Authority
New York City
Postman Ringing
The U.S. Postal Service should be profitable [ECONOMY & BUSINESS, April 2]. Thanks to Congress, it is immune from paying damages that result from bungled mail delivery. I learned the hard way. My passport, which was sent by certified mail, lay in the San Francisco post office for two weeks awaiting delivery. The Postal Service deserves the ridicule piled on it.
Robert B. Jackson St. George, Utah
Thank you for your article on the U.S. Postal Service. I have recently been hired to operate one of the automated bar-code sorters that you described, and am amazed at the speed and efficiency of this machine. Before my appointment, I had the impression that many people working in the post office were "coasting" in a well-paying civil service job. This is not the case. The increased productivity should in part be attributed to the attitude of the service's workers. The cooperation and communication between management and labor are the best I have experienced.
Andrew M. Keen Pitman, N.J.
Sober Beer
Your report on low-alcohol beer [ECONOMY & BUSINESS, April 2] reminds me of Prohibition days, when we used to hear the ditty "Near beer sold here but no beer sold near here."
Chester Scoggins Encinitas, Calif.
Rural Lingo
Country expressions, as Steve Allen observed [LETTERS, April 2], are the most colorful in our language. My wife, who is from Oklahoma, has given me many that I have used in my work as a motion-picture songwriter. She told me of one student who, when asked by the teacher if he was finished with his exam paper, answered, "Purt nigh but not plumb." This became the title of a song for Dinah Shore in Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick.
Jay Livingston Los Angeles
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR should be addressed to TIME, Time & Life Building, Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. 10020, and should include the writer's full name, address and home telephone. Letters may be edited for purposes of clarity or space.