Monday, Dec. 31, 1984
Trail of Cards
Geronimo suspect is arrested
The thin young man who murdered four people and wounded three others during a $17,000 bank robbery in Geronimo, Okla., a week ago seemed determined to leave no witnesses. But only three days later, the FBI announced that it had arrested Jay Wesley Neill, 19, the man they believe to be the "Geronimo Killer," at a Holiday Inn in San Francisco. Arrested with him was Robert Grady Johnson, 22, who is said to have driven the getaway car. Behind them they had left a trail of credit-card receipts and travel reservations.
According to police, Neill made reservations for a trip to San Francisco on the day before the robbery, while Johnson bought a handgun. An hour after the robbery, the two men flew to California, paying $1,400 in cash for their tickets. In San Francisco, Neill and Johnson hired a limousine driver to take them on a tour of the city, stopping in expensive restaurants and shops along the way.
Several armed agents were waiting on Monday morning when Neill and Johnson came out of their room. Inside were bank bags and packets of currency from the robbery. Arraigned in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, Neill was charged with armed robbery and Johnson as an accomplice.