Monday, Apr. 22, 1985


RECOVERING. Leif Stenberg, 52, reputed Swedish crime boss of the 1970s; "doing very well" after surgery that made him the fourth recipient of the Jarvik-7 artificial heart; in Stockholm. "You may not be a woman, but I could love you anyway," Stenberg said when he was visited by Robert Jarvik, the heart's inventor. Stenberg, who has had two serious heart attacks, was selected because of his combative "will to live." Although never convicted of anything, Stenberg has faced tax-evasion charges since 1978. Proceedings against him have been delayed by his health problems and now face a new legal obstacle. Under Swedish law, a person is dead if his heart stops beating; some attorneys are suggesting that he is now legally dead and may not have to stand trial. Prosecutors say the charges stand.