Monday, Sep. 30, 1985


By Guy D. Garcia

It is considered the birthplace of rock 'n' roll, but in the past two decades the Sun Records studio in Memphis has seemed to be in its twilight. Still, music fans who feared that rockabilly might eventually go the way of the turkey trot can take heart. Last week a 1985 version of the legendary "Million Dollar Quartet," which once included Elvis Presley, was back in Memphis. The veteran country rockers-- Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Presley Replacement Roy Orbison--were on hand to record a new album and a television special in the same studio where they got their start some 30 years ago. "We're not out to recapture that old sound," said Cash. "We're here to recapture that spirit we had. I felt that spirit when we hit the city limits, and I feel it even more now that we are together."