Monday, Nov. 11, 1985
World Notes Liberia
Former Master Sergeant Samuel K. Doe is a fervent anti-Communist who reportedly practices his English by studying videotapes of President Reagan's speeches. The Administration had hoped it could persuade Doe, who seized power five years ago, to emulate the U.S. in other ways as well. Officials in Washington threatened to withhold U.S. aid if he did not hold free and fair elections. Liberia, founded 138 years ago by freed U.S. slaves, receives some $85 million a year from the U.S.
The fairness of the elections, which took place last month, was widely questioned. Two of Doe's opponents were barred from running. A ban on criticizing the government further restricted political debate. On election day, polling places were opened at the last moment at army barracks, and independent observers charged that soldiers and their families voted repeatedly. When it appeared that Doe was losing the election in spite of such tactics, the vote tallying was halted. The ballots were recounted in secret, and last week Doe was declared the winner. While recognizing "irregularities" in the electoral process, Washington declined to say whether it would release future funds.