Vol. 127 No. 10
"a Serious Deficiency"
The Rogers commission faults NASA's "flawed" decision-making process
All the Nation's Poet
Robert Penn Warren, already much laureled, takes on a new title
American Notes Bureaucracy
A Ticket to Deride
American Notes Justice
New Man for the Glass Booth
American Notes Oregon
Scout's Honor, Union's Gripe
American Notes Sports
Crackdown By the Commissioner
American Notes the Navy
Death At the Doctor's Hands
Defensive About Defense
Reagan's call for a greater buildup is met by one for a fix-up
Houston Gunplay
A string of accidental shootings
It Takes One to Know One
Midgetman in Wonderland
Plans for a smaller missile provoke some big confusions
On the Air
The Senate votes for television
Playing Catch As Koch Can
Brushed by scandal, New York's mayor says he is "mortified"
Shop Here, But Don't Stop Here
A "Residents Only" Law in Dearborn Parks Sparks a Black Boycott
Egypt Rampage Under the Pyramids
Mubarak quashes a two-day rebellion by security forces
France New Twists
Baby Doc sues hosts, sits tight
Soviet Union a Tough Customer Shows His Stuff
Gorbachev puts his stamp on the 27th Party Congress
Soviet Union Trotting Out a New Roadshow
Despite some sleight of hand, the act is a familiar one
Sweden Bloody Blow to an Open Society
Shots in the night kill Olof Palme, an advocate of peace
World Notes Britain
Tribute to the Last of the Few
World Notes Central America
Hands Across a Troubled Border
World Notes China
"Kill One to Teach 100"
World Notes Italy
Vanishing Bulgarian Connection
World Notes Middle East
Death of a West Bank Moderate
Beaming in on the Past
A refurbished cyclotron probes some historic documents
Halley's on View
Peeking from Pioneer 12
America's Best French Restaurant
Lutece celebrates a birthday: 25 years and still counting
Everywhere But in Manila
Satellites hum with activity as anchors take to the road
A Wintry Fire in Barn 48
Of commoners and kings and a dead "crow" named Concession
Business Notes Advertising
(Economy & Business)
Shadows and Substance
Business Notes Banks
(Economy & Business)
Sink a Shot for Old Cd
Business Notes Computers
(Economy & Business)
Changing Channels At Zenith
Business Notes Jobs
(Economy & Business)
Farmers in the Fast Lane
Business Notes Marketing
(Economy & Business)
One with Anchovies, Hold the .38
Divine Wine
(Economy & Business)
Heady prices for Chateau Petrus
Luxury on the Links
(Economy & Business)
Musical Chairs in the Skies
(Economy & Business)
Two merger bids startle the airline industry and spark new fare bargains
The Latin Debtors Cry for Help
(Economy & Business)
Embattled Mexico and its fellow borrowers ask for easier terms
New Look for the Thriving Greeks
As memberships boom, the college societies clean up their act
Give-and-Take on Pornography
After two court actions, still tough to ban but easier to banish
A Stroll on the Wilde Side a Room with a View
Directed by James Ivory Screenplay by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
An Accident Waiting to Happen Children of Light
by Robert Stone; Knopf; 258 pages; $17.95
Down on Lawless Avenue
New songs of shattered hope, political resilience and romance
Seeing Red the Real Life of Alejandro Mayta
by Mario Vargas Llosa Farrar, Straus & Giroux 310 pages; $16.95
The Philippines Escape From a Gilded Palace
The former ruler left behind signs of an opulent life and hasty departure
The Philippines Anatomy of a Revolution
Forbearance, Diplomatic Skill and Some Luck Led to the End of the Marcos Era
The Philippines
"Here I Am Only Two Days and You Are Expecting Miracles"
The Philippines Now the Hard Part
A new President faces Communist rebels and a failing economy
People Power
A thought became a decision became a deed as democracy triumphed with Corazon Aquino in the Philippines
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
Bringing a Third Force to Bear