Vol. 128 No. 12
American Notes Budgets
Free Advice on Debtbusting
American Notes Los Angeles
Posh Digs At Southern Cal
American Notes Science
A Dream Deferred
American Notes Senate
A Father's Special Gift
American Notes Supreme Court
His Honor in the Fast Lane
Beating the Odds
Drawing the Bottle Lines
Having the Last Laugh
Political ads, once sobersided, this year offer a gag a minute
Is the Womb a Rentable Space?
An emotional court case centers on surrogate births
Key Assets
Truman's sanctuary is sold
No More Petticoat Politics
Women are running tough campaigns for major offices
Rolling Out the Big Guns
The First Couple and Congress press the attack on drugs
Seeking a Way Out
Amid misgivings, Daniloff and Zakharov are sprung from jail
The Presidency
The Wit and Wisdom
Why These Crises Occur
An Interview with Corazon Aquino
Relaxed and confident, the Philippine President assesses her government
Chile Pinochet's New State of Siege
An assassination attempt fails, and the government cracks down
Fight Over a Topless Beach
France a Brutal Game of Blackmail
Two bombings in Paris spark an outcry against terrorism
Middle East Summit in Alexandria
Mubarak and Peres get together, but violence knows no end
Poland Letting Up
Warsaw declares an amnesty
South Africa into the Racial Maelstrom
Controversy dogs Coretta King as Congress passes sanctions
Sudan "War Is Better Than a Bad Peace"
Spouting a nationalist credo, Rebel Leader John Garang fights on
World Notes Italy
What's in the Bag?
World Notes Japan
Opening Up Old Wounds
World Notes Pakistan
Free -- for the Moment
World Notes Singapore
the More the Merrier
World Notes West Germany
Last Taunts From the Lip
Unearthing a Frozen Forest
Arctic tree stumps provide a glimpse of the distant past
Food Fight Over Gamma Rays
(Health & Fitness)
Critics bombard irradiation as a preservative
New Weapon in the Cancer War?
An invigorated fighter cell works wonders in animals
In Kentucky: 600 Unmoved Lips
(American Scene)
Move Over, Break Dancing
Young bicyclists spin in the latest craze
"The Best Part Is I Can Do It All"
Ingenious modifications help the handicapped help themselves
Let's Go to the Feelies
Michael Jackson and George Lucas give Disney a 3-D dream
"Sell Everything Now!"
(Economy & Business)
Hit by a computerized crash, the stock-market bulls take a beating
Business Notes Airlines
(Economy & Business)
Delta's Ticket to the West; Business Notes Thrifts Simon's Pacific Overtures
All in the Family Fortune
(Economy & Business)
The Loews chairman made billions as a savvy manager and investor
Corporate Shoot-Out At Black Rock
(Economy & Business)
Laurence Tisch takes control at CBS
The Comeback Kid
(Economy & Business)
Spreading the Wings of an Idea
Private donors pledge millions to keep students in college
A War Without End My Father, My Son
by Admiral Elmo Zumwalt Jr. and Lieut. Elmo Zumwalt III. With John Pekkanen. Macmillan; 224 pages; $18.95
Amplitudes the Progress of Love
by Alice Munro Knopf; 309 pages; $16.95
China Seizure Shanghai Surprise
Directed by Jim Goddard Screenplay by John Kohn and Robert Bentley
Cries of the Silenced
A festival of black South African drama storms the U.S.
It's a Strange World, Isn't It Blue Velvet
Directed and Written by David Lynch
Mafioso Prizzi's Family
by Richard Condon Putnam; 284 pages; $17.95
Sue, Sue! Bang, Bang!
New shows from the creators of HILL STREET and MIAMI VICE
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
Terror and Peace: the "Root Cause" Fallacy