Monday, Dec. 01, 1986

World Notes Italy

When former Premier Aldo Moro was kidnaped in 1978 by Red Brigades terrorists and held hostage against the release of 13 imprisoned brigatisti, Italy was convulsed with shock and alarm. The ruling Christian Democratic Party took a hard line on negotiating for his release, and 54 days later Moro's dead body was found in the back of a red Renault.

Now a controversial new film about the incident, Il Caso Moro (The Moro Case), directed by Giuseppe Ferrara and starring popular Actor Gian Maria Volonte, has reopened old wounds. The movie portrays the Red Brigades as well- spoken, well-groomed youths. It asks whether the Christian Democrats did all they could to free Moro and answers with a resounding no.

Christian Democratic leaders have attacked Il Caso Moro as a "gross distortion." Nonetheless, Italian moviegoers are flocking to the film.