Monday, Jan. 26, 1987
COVER: A new movie vividly evokes 54
the American G. I.' s life and death in Viet Nam
Twenty years after it tore apart the nation' s conscience, the Viet Nam War reaches the screen with searing power and immediacy. Oliver Stone' s Platoon has already earned raves from the critics and long lines at the box office. It is also detonating a fire storm of memories and debate about the U. S. fighting man in the jungles of Southeast Asia. See SHOW BUSINESS.
NATION: Working women win a court 14
fight over the right to pregnancy leave
In a decision that could have enormous impact, the Supreme Court upholds a California law allowing new mothers to take time from their jobs. -- As Iranscam continues to unfold, Washington wonders if the President is more out of touch than ever. -- To remain the Republican front runner for 1988, George Bush must finally step out from Reagan' s shadow.
BUSINESS: Currency trading is 44
suddenly a gigantic game of chicken
All around the world last week, the mood in money markets was akin to panic. The dollar dropped to a six- year low against the West German mark and fell precipitously against the Japanese yen. Behind the sell- off loomed the mammoth U. S. trade deficit. -- An important study argues that U. S. export controls on high technology do not work properly and hurt American business.
Deng Xiaoping shakes up China' s leaders. -- The Iran- Iraq war takes a bloody turn. -- Kohl is favored in West German elections.
Oral Roberts says God will take his life unless he receives $4.5 million in donations. -- Jerry Falwell is plagued by nuisance phone calls.
Health & Fitness
Scoring high in fat and flab, low in strength, endurance and flexibility, American children are disgracefully unfit, say experts.
Biologists claim a prehistoric woman was an ancestor of everyone alive today. -- Genetic "fingerprinting" may help solve crimes.
Fifty years a food critic, M. F. K. Fisher talks about pretentious cuisine, overhyped chefs -- and the simple joy of mashed potatoes.
After 35 years as a revered father figure to The New Yorker, Editor William Shawn is abruptly retired by the magazine' s owner.
The hosts of The Morning Program, CBS' s latest entry in TV' s breakfast- time battle, are relentlessly cheery. The question is why.
Historian Garry Wills, in a new biography, defines Ronald Reagan as an auteur whose views were shaped by his cinematic past.
6 Letters
10 American Scene
65 Education
70 Milestones
73 People
74 Sport
Cover: Photograph by Roland Neveu -- Gamma/ Liaison