Monday, Mar. 30, 1987


No one could ever accuse West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl of being unduly sympathetic toward Moscow, but as he began his second term last week, Kohl softened his stand. Speaking before the Bundestag, he noted that Gorbachev "speaks of a 'new way of thinking' in the Soviet Union" and added, "We take him at his word." Kohl also vowed to urge the superpowers to agree to the withdrawal of intermediate-range nuclear missiles from Europe.

Kohl's attitude reflects West German public opinion. In a recent poll, 67% of the Chancellor's Christian Democratic Party voters said they believed Gorbachev's arms proposals were sincere. Aware that his words might cause concern in Washington and West European capitals, especially Paris, Kohl reiterated his commitment to the allies by saying, "There is no special German way to a solution."