Monday, May. 18, 1987

Fleet Upkeep

Your story on the debate over two replacement aircraft carriers for the Navy ((NATION, April 27)) inaccurately reported my position. The article, quoting an October memorandum, implied that I did not support the two-carrier concept. Such a conclusion is simply not correct.

In the October memorandum to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, I furnished my views on the Navy initiative to accelerate aircraft-carrier acquisition by four years. Looking at the carrier proposal in isolation, I noted that it was fiscally sound, but I suggested that we consider the larger picture, as well as the full spectrum of the Navy's programs, before making a final decision. This was done, and my concerns were satisfied.

In my recent testimony before Congress, I made clear that I fully supported the two aircraft carriers, which, rather than adding to the size of the fleet, will replace 1940s- and '50s-vintage ships quickly approaching the end of their service life.

William J. Crowe Jr., Chairman

Joint Chiefs of Staff


TIME regrets the error.