Monday, Jun. 22, 1987
Wyeth's Worth
The review of Andrew Wyeth's Helga pictures ((ART, June 1)) was mean and snide, as well as a put-down of the public for liking Wyeth so much. Wyeth's art is less about art and everything about the earth and its forces. That is why it is great art and why people are so moved by his work.
Ted Browning
West Chester, Pa.
Andrew Wyeth is the Bruce Springsteen of the art world: mediocrity passed off as magnificence.
Gerald M. Levitt
Your contemptible review of Wyeth places Critic Robert Hughes in the East Coast art world's anti-Wyeth cartel. The fraud lies not with Wyeth but rather with the prejudice inherent in the critics of the Eastern art establishment.
Ron Brady
New York City
As usual, Hughes' eloquence in observing the art world is very exciting and provocative. But Mr. Hughes, please have a heart. The Helga pictures are fun and have an earthy appeal. Can we help it that we know what we like?
Joan Rotundo
Sauquoit, N.Y.