Monday, Jun. 29, 1987
COVER: Strife- torn South Korea faces a crisis of Olympic proportions
In more than a dozen cities, students erupt in a frenzy of defiance against the six- year rule of President Chun Doo Hwan. But even though middle- class housewives and businessmen have joined the protests for the first time, the political opposition remains weak and divided. Despite the violence, the 1988 Summer Games are set to go on as planned -- and splendidly. See WORLD.
NATION: A Manhattan jury says "not guilty" to Subway Gunman Goetz
The acquittal raises questions about an individual' s right to self- defense, about street crime and racism. -- The President prepares for battle as Congress moves toward a tax increase. -- A retired CIA director stops by KGB headquarters on a trip to Moscow. -- Once again Oliver North refuses to testify. -- The Administration is accused of using the Saudis to fund Angolan rebels.
SPORT: From West Germany to Wimbledon comes a smashing pair of aces
The championship torches are passing to Teenagers Boris Becker, 19, and Steffi Graf, 18, old practice partners from neighboring towns near Heidelberg. He is the two- time Wimbledon champion going for three in a row. She is the coming heir to Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova, lately vincible at 30 but still unbeaten in five straight Wimbledons.
U. S. concerns hamper a Central American peace plan. -- An interview with Costa Rica' s President Arias. -- Another Beirut kidnaping.
Economy & Business
Americans are flocking back to Europe. -- Citicorp, Ford and ITT join the exodus from South Africa. -- The Toshiba scandal grows.
Researchers struggle to find the cause of the mysterious, strength- sapping "fatigue syndrome." -- Drugs and diet shrink fat deposits.
Presbyterians pass a landmark statement on Judaism. -- Baptist Fundamentalists win again. -- A federal court okays shunning.
Show Business
After one last glorious, hammy program, Garrison Keillor shuts down his unique, beloved radio show, A Prairie Home Companion.
Stanley Kubrick' s first film in seven years, Full Metal Jacket, is a Viet Nam horror show with a dynamite first act and a fizzle finale.
Ratings have fallen off and music videos are no longer hot, but cable' s MTV is trying to prove there' s still life in the format.
A commencement speech delivered to an audience of one. A father gives his daughter several idiosyncratic wishes.
8 Letters
53 Science
54 Law
54 Milestones
65 Design
68 People
71 Books
Cover: Illustration by Joo Chung