Monday, Jul. 27, 1987

Business Notes TAXES

The case might have surprised even Benjamin Franklin, who said that "in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."Last week nine-year-old Carmin Fisher of Junction City, Ore., found out that the Internal Revenue Service had seized the $70.76 in her account at a local bank. Her grandmother Bettye Fisher received a bank statement indicating that the IRS had taken the girl's money as partial payment for a delinquent tax bill of $21,182 owed by her grandfather Charles Fisher. Since the age of two, Carmin had been putting pennies into a coffee can labeled with another adage reflecting Franklin's sentiments -- A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED -- and gradually transferring the money to the bank account.

When a local newspaper publicized the story, area residents collected enough pennies to refill her can and then some. But the same day, the IRS returned the money, saying the seizure was a mistake, probably caused by the agency's assumption that the grandmother, who was listed as Carmin's guardian, held the account. "The IRS is satisfied that money does not belong to the taxpayer that owes the Government money," said an agency spokesman. Carmin, meanwhile, celebrated the news, and escaped the summer heat, by frolicking in the cool spray of a garden hose.