Monday, Sep. 21, 1987
COVER: The battle begins over Robert Bork' s nomination to the Supreme Court
The Senate' s verdict on the controversial nominee could affect the course of American law and society well into the 21st century. -- Bork' s intellectual odyssey has led him from socialism to an iconoclastic conservatism. -- The judge has criticized many landmark decisions, but would he try to overturn them? -- How changed court majority might affect abortion. See NATION.
RELIGION: On his U. S. pilgrimage, Pope John Paul II aims to teach and to listen
Surrounded by adulatory crowds and a formidable blanket of security, the Pontiff begins his eleven- day tour. Proclaiming himself a pilgrim upon arrival, he closets himself for a one- on- one meeting with President Reagan, and responds carefully to the divergent voices of the American religious melting pot -- Catholic and non- Catholic alike -- that are raised as he arrives.
DESIGN: This just may be a golden age for Japan' s architects and graphic artists
After centuries of hewing to tradition, followed by decades of Western | imitation, Japanese designers now feel free to create singular, exciting hybrids of East and West. The new architecture is ambitious and confident, with stars like Arata Isozaki getting international notice. Graphics aspire to art, interiors are rich with allusion, and never before has there been such ferment.
Talk of peace worries the U. S.- backed contra rebels. -- Libya loses a base and a plane in its war with Chad. -- Sad whispers in Cuba.
Economy & Business
Megahouses spread across the landscape. -- The Government helps a Texas bank stay afloat. -- A look inside the Toshiba scandal.
After 22 hours of surgery, Siamese Twins Patrick and Benjamin Binder are separated. -- A Koop warning on AIDS and health care.
Toni Morrison' s Beloved evokes the violent desperation of a slave struggling for freedom. -- A brilliant novel by Britain' s Ian McEwan.
At Manhattan' s Whitney Museum, Red Grooms' exuberant, cartoony "ruckuses" are easy to like -- too easy, in fact.
Show Business
Hollywood is finding drama in South Africa' s racial turmoil, as a film about Black Leaders Nelson and Winnie Mandela shows.
States, like people, can go mad. How is the world to react? First, be sure never to underestimate the crazy state. Second, resist.
8 Letters
57 Science
67 Sport
74 Cinema
74 Milestones
79 People
Cover: Photograph by William Coupon