Monday, Sep. 28, 1987
Time Magazine Contents Page September 28, 1987
COVER: TV' s favorite dad, and the world' s best- paid entertainer, is on a roll
The Cosby Show is a runaway No. 1 hit. The comedian' s first book, Fatherhood, set sales records. A second, Time Flies, has just been published, marking his 50th birthday. With commercials, concerts, movies and more, his fortunes keep soaring, and he remains firmly in control. Offstage and on, Bill Cosby gets laughs -- and results -- by doing things his way. See SHOW BUSINESS.
NATION: It' s official -- Reagan and Gorbachev will meet to sign an arms treaty
A Shultz- Shevardnadze agreement to agree opens the way to a summit in the U. S. -- and maybe a reversal of the missile race. Still, the Pentagon takes a big step toward getting SDI moving. -- Bork' s shifting positions puzzle Senators more than ever, as his chief inquisitor, Biden, runs into a storm over plagiarism. -- A Pat Robertson hat trick stuns Bush and G. O. P. regulars.
RELIGION: Do- it- yourself Catholicism is a "grave error," the Pope warns Americans
The crowds during his ten- day U. S. tour were sometimes surprisingly thin, and his speeches were sometimes wooden, but John Paul left behind the clearest statement yet of his desire to rein in an unruly American flock. A "good Catholic," he declared, is not free to follow his own conscience in place of the traditional moral teachings of the church.
Cory Aquino loses some key Cabinet ministers. -- Costa Rica' s Arias prepares to sell his peace plan in the U. S. -- An ozone accord.
The masters of all they surveyed have lost the hop on their fastball. American athletes are on a dizzying losing streak.
With symptoms of arthritis, heart problems and depression, Lyme disease means trouble -- and has spread around the world.
Economy & Business
& Despite a U. S. crackdown, many workers toil amid unsafe conditions. -- Ford settles with its autoworkers. -- Smokeless cigarettes?
Texas Publisher William Dean Singleton snaps up papers in Houston and Denver. -- Dan Rather: he was an anchor away.
Four writers, among them Joan Didion, are drawn by the urban razzle and fatal glamour of Miami, the definitive city of the '80s.
Fatal Attraction is the main attraction in a trio of films depicting the battle of the sexes. -- Shorts: Pick- Up Artist and Amazon Women.
Frank Perdue and Dinah Shore cross drumsticks in the Great Chicken War. -- An elegant new book on Southern cuisine.
8 Letters
11 American Scene
49 Milestones
72 People
Cover: Photograph by Eddie Adams