Monday, Oct. 05, 1987

A Fight for One Man, One Vote

By Jacob V. Lamar Jr

In his seven years in the U.S. Senate, Arlen Specter has earned a reputation as a ferociously independent politician who keeps his own counsel. In 1985 the Pennsylvania Republican stunned liberals and some moderates by unexpectedly voting for the MX missile; then last year he managed to enrage conservatives by opposing aid to the Nicaraguan contras. During the past two weeks, trying to read Specter's mind on the subject of Judge Robert Bork has proved as confounding as ever.

Before the Judiciary Committee began its hearings on Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court, Specter was considered one of three undecided Senators on the 14-member panel. During a tough, often dazzling interrogation of the nominee, he seemed to be leaning away from Bork. But last week, after the Senator grilled pro- and anti-Bork witnesses with equal vigor, the judge's supporters felt Specter was inclining their way. Specter was characteristically cryptic. Although he challenged Bork's shifting positions on civil rights and women's issues, he told conservative Economist Thomas Sowell that the judge's more recent moderate statements "may well warrant confirmation. I'm not saying yes or no."

As the Judiciary Committee prepares to vote on Bork this Thursday -- a deadline it may miss owing to the length of much of the testimony -- Specter is the least predictable of the three fence-sitters. Bork lobbyists conceded last week that Arizona Democrat Dennis DeConcini may be "gone," likely to join six other Democrats considered certain to reject the judge. Forecasters think that Alabama's Howell Heflin will be the only Democrat on the panel to vote for Bork, joining five certain Republican supporters.

Thus if Specter goes against Bork, the committee will probably vote 8 to 6 to send the nomination to the Senate with an unfavorable recommendation. If Specter comes out in favor of the controversial jurist, the committee will most likely be deadlocked 7 to 7, with no recommended outcome.

An impasse on the Judiciary Committee would only heighten the drama of the full Senate vote that will ultimately determine Bork's fate. What worries Bork backers and detractors alike is that the full complement of 100 Senators may be as torn over the nominee as the Judiciary Committee has been. The Senate, says White House Counsel A.B. Culvahouse, is "up for grabs, almost equally divided." The White House is already stepping up its lobbying effort to get Bork confirmed. Chief of Staff Howard Baker will start meeting with Senators this week. The President, too, is getting more involved: last week he told a conservative women's group that "charges that Robert Bork is too ideological are themselves ideologically inspired." Predicted Reagan: "Judge Bork will be confirmed . . . He'll go down in history as one of the finest Supreme Court Justices our nation has ever had."

The Administration also hopes that a pro-Bork vote by Heflin will inspire other conservative Southern Democrats to risk offending their increasingly influential black constituents by supporting the nomination. The Democrats hold a 54-to-46 majority in the Senate, so Bork will need all the crossover votes he can get.

Making matters worse for the Administration, Oregon Republican Bob Packwood, an ardent proponent of abortion rights, vowed last week to vote against Bork and even join a filibuster against his confirmation. Congressional headcounters estimate that five additional moderate G.O.P. Senators are likely to oppose the judge. Thus Bork's supporters might have to pick up at least ten Democratic votes to give their man the 51 yeas he will need to win confirmation.

With reporting by David Beckwith and Hays Gorey/Washington