Monday, Oct. 26, 1987
American Notes FLORIDA
When the Jacksonville city council outlawed topless dancing in places where alcohol is sold, it did not bargain on the enterprise of Warren Colazzo. The owner of Fantasy World, one of the city's 14 topless bars, banned liquor rather than licentiousness. The outcome: a club full of 17-year-olds only too happy to sip Coke and near beer for a jiggle show.
City fathers quickly invoked laws protecting minors from indecency, but hundreds of 18-to-21-year-olds are still packing Fantasy World, while a federal court considers a challenge to the no-booze law. "The city council thought all the topless-bar owners would roll over on their backs," said Colazzo. Far from it. Even if they win in court, the tavern keepers threaten to sue the city again -- for "mental anguish."