Monday, Feb. 01, 1988

On The Grapevine

Much of the personal drama of politics takes place behind the scenes. Here are some of the latest whispered tales from the campaign trail:

How Clinton is ducking Dukakis. After shying from a presidential bid of his own, boyish Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton told his friend and preferred candidate Michael Dukakis that he would seriously consider endorsing him, and might even take a top post with his campaign. That would have helped undercut Albert Gore's claim as the South's favorite son, something both Clinton and Dukakis would not mind. It would also have enhanced, if Dukakis were to get the nomination, Clinton's objective to be the convention keynote speaker. But as Dukakis, in a hotel room surrounded by aides, was preparing for the Des Moines Register debate, Clinton telephoned and explained with great discomfort that he had decided not to make an endorsement yet. His explanation: problems with the Arkansas legislature. The real reason: the rise in Gore's Southern popularity made bucking him now too risky.

Haig's well-kept scion. The money is paid as a consulting fee to a group called Concord Associates, so the recipient's name doesn't pop up on campaign reports. A deposit of $15,000 was made last July. In fact, the money goes to Alexander Haig's son and namesake Alex Haig, who helps manage his father's campaign. Though unusual, there was nothing illegal about the arrangement, and young Haig says it was all quite legitimate. Nevertheless, starting this month, he and his wife Wendy will dissolve Concord Associates and start receiving paychecks in their own names. The young Haigs' first paychecks: $5,000 each.

Why Reagan didn't duck Dole. Despite his attempts to seem neutral, the President prefers his loyal Veep to Robert Dole, who over the years has let loose with some caustic comments about Reagan's management style. This preference was put to the test last month when Dole called Chief of Staff Howard Baker with terms for announcing his support of the INF treaty. Dole wanted an invitation to the White House and a joint appearance with Reagan when he declared for the treaty. Baker approved the plan. But Reagan angrily balked, called Bush and told him about Dole's proposal. Reagan said he would refuse if the Vice President wanted. "George, it's up to you," Reagan said. Bush took only a few minutes to consider. "You need his help," he told the President. "I don't like the whole thing, but you need this." At the ensuing meeting, Reagan shied as far away from Dole as possible.

Nixon isn't ducking. Less reluctant support for Dole comes from a former occupant of the Oval Office. Richard Nixon, who favors Dole, has been quietly passing along advice and encouragement, mainly through intermediaries.

Stepping on Bush's lines. When Bush's aides saw the education section in early drafts of Reagan's State of the Union address, they were upset. Not because the Vice President disagreed with the words -- just the opposite. Many of the ideas, such as directing resources toward basic skills and lowering dropout rates, are ones that Bush has been pushing (to little notice) on the campaign trail. The Bush people could not persuade the White House to leave the topic to them. One of Bush's aides said of Reagan's newest education initiative, "We're going to say -- nicely, of course -- that he stole the idea from us."

Fact check. On the road, Pat Robertson tells the story of children at a Virginia public school who were forbidden to bring Christmas cookies to class because their liberal teachers said that would violate the Constitution. This is one of a host of secular humanist horror stories Robertson loves to tell, with little or no substantiation. When asked for details, Robertson dismisses those seeking to check the facts as being "too literal."