Monday, Feb. 08, 1988

Business Notes AGRICULTURE

Cranberry growers had a tart taste in their mouths last week. First President Reagan, in his State of the Union address, singled out a grant used for cranberry research as an example of fiscal waste. Only days later, Ocean Spray, the Massachusetts-based cooperative, became the first company to be charged with a felony under the recently strengthened Clean Water Act. The company has allegedly been dumping as much as 200,000 gal. per day of insufficiently treated wastewater filled with cranberry juice, berry skins and other pollutants into the town's sewers and the Nemasket River from its plant in Middleborough, Mass. Town officials believe that the acidic effluent has killed the bacteria used to process the town's sewage at its treatment center. Ocean Spray, which could be hit with as much as $2.1 million in fines, says it has never endangered the environment and denies the charges.