Monday, Mar. 21, 1988



COVER: A Southern sweep gives Bush 'the Big Mo" toward the G. O. P. nomination

Momentum means crushing Bob Dole in 16 states and piling up 574 convention delegates in a single day. But Bush must still convince the public at large that he offers more than just loyalty to Ronald Reagan. -- For the Democrats, Super Tuesday ends in a three- way gridlock that could stretch to Atlanta. -- Garry Wills on Jesse Jackson' s politics of inclusion. See NATION.


WORLD: Facing a U. S.- engineered cash crunch, Noriega may be ready to deal

The shortage puts Panama' s strongman in a painful squeeze. While he easily rides out street protests, the general may step aside if Washington drops drug charges. -- Besieged by critics, Israel' s Prime Minister Shamir prepares to visit Washington. -- The pace slows in Afghan peace talks, but a settlement is still in sight. -- Welcome to Medellin, the cocaine capital of the world.


MEDICINE: Is the AIDS virus running rampant in the heterosexual population?

In their controversial new book, Crisis: Heterosexual Behavior in the Age of AIDS, Sex Therapists Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson answer yes, and provoke an uproar from the medical community. -- Amid popular confusion about the danger of AIDS, researchers are beginning to learn more about the virus and how it is transmitted during sex between men and women.


Economy & Business

Japan challenges America' s reputation for innovation. -- After reform, taxpayers are caught in a brier patch of new rules.



Upstart Publisher Christopher Whittle launches a battle for previously undisputed territory: doctors' waiting rooms.



Major league baseball teams are springing all around Florida, but the Grapefruit League state seems to have lost track of itself.


Show Business

A puppet? For real? Whatever, NBC' s alien ALF is a lovable loudmouth who stars in the ratings and cleans up at toy counters.



In London, Conductor Roger Norrington lets Berlioz be Berlioz with performances of two masterworks on original instruments.



Physicist Freeman Dyson shows that science and imagination are Infinite in All Directions. -- Anita Brookner' s deft novel of illusion.



That caustic thriller The Manchurian Candidate is back after 25 years in the vaults. -- D. O. A.: this remake is dandy on arrival.



Americans have too long been skittish about criticizing Israel and its policies. It is high time to show a friend what friends are for.

6 Letters

10 American Scene

57 People

64 Education

68 Milestones

72 Living

Cover: Illustration by Daniel Schwartz