Monday, Mar. 28, 1988
American Notes FLORIDA
For 35 years Lee Grant of Sarasota, Fla., collected a wallful of "Salesman of the Year" plaques for his skill at moving Fords and Buicks off the lot. But when the new president of the local dealership issued a strict dress code requiring all used-car salesmen to wear sport coats, Grant decided to make his own fashion statement. He went out and bought two eye-torturing sport coats -- a screaming fuchsia and a rainbow plaid -- to go with his gray and green slacks. Already annoyed by Grant's frequent catnaps and snacking on the job, Dealer Conrad Darby fired one of his best salesmen. Catnaps notwithstanding, Grant did not take this lying down. Claiming that Darby had forced out all but two salesmen over age 40 since taking control of the business four years ago, Grant, 64, is suing him for age discrimination and seeking $1 million in damages. Says Grant: "He just wanted to get rid of all of us old fellows."