Monday, Apr. 04, 1988

American Notes IMMIGRATION

In Dallas messages stuffed in packages of tortillas urge Hispanics to "Act Now." In Houston, fiestas feature mariachi bands and free refreshments as a blimp hovers overhead with a sign proclaiming LEGALIZE TODAY. With means of persuasion ranging from radio ads to subway placards, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service is pushing hard to convince illegal aliens that they should take advantage of a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Under a program mandated by Congress in 1986, they must move soon to apply for amnesty and obtain permanent-residence status. The deadline: May 4, though the Reagan Administration has extended by 60 days the period for submitting documentation.

An intensive publicity campaign in 40 languages has led about 1.5 million people to file the necessary forms. The INS expects at least 2 million to comply. Says INS Official Virginia Kice: "We're fighting word-of-mouth misinformation. There's still a reluctance to believe that we won't be at the back door waiting to deport them."