Monday, Jul. 18, 1988
Business Notes ELECTRONICS
Of the 13 million videocassette recorders sold in the U.S. last year, not one was built by an American manufacturer. Now a small Arizona company, Go-Video, has launched a battle to change that. Go-Video's design for a dual-deck VCR, which won U.S. patent approval last month, contains two recorders side by side. It would enable users to copy tapes, edit them or tape one program while watching another on cassette.
Go-Video's machine (price: $700) would be the only such VCR on the market. But the company claims its plan has been thwarted by a conspiracy of Japanese and South Korean electronics giants, which have refused to sell the company VCR parts it needs. Go-Video also blames Hollywood studios, which regard dual- deck machines as tools for pirating movies and which have allegedly pressured foreign VCR-makers to keep them off the market. Go-Video has named dozens of film and electronics companies in a lawsuit that is expected to go to trial next year. The firm hopes to collect $1.5 billion in damages.