Monday, Aug. 01, 1988

Ethiopia Eritrea: A Crucible of Misery

Afabet. In the annals of the interminable civil war between Ethiopia and its . province of Eritrea, the name is a milestone. It was at that dusty town in northern Ethiopia that the Eritrean People's Liberation Front overran President Mengistu Haile Mariam's main northern garrison in March. The rebels claim to have killed or captured 18,000 soldiers in one of their greatest victories in 26 years of fighting. At about the same time, just south of Eritrea, insurgents in Tigre scored a series of military triumphs.

With the rebel bands threatening to break Ethiopia in two, the brutal Mengistu and his secretive Marxist government have begun a frenzied effort to win back lost ground. In recent weeks government troops have retaken the major towns of Tigre, but the battle-hardened Eritreans have fought them to a stalemate. Both sides have used the region's chronic hunger as a weapon, with the rebels attacking a relief convoy and Mengistu ordering most foreign-aid workers out of Eritrea and Tigre. Some food is still reaching the estimated 2 million to 3 million victims of northern Ethiopia's latest famine, but no one knows how many have died, casualties as much of politics as of malnutrition. Photographer Anthony Suau traveled through Afabet and the EPLF field bases, assembling an album of stark images that illustrate the everyday realities of a murderous war.