Monday, Oct. 03, 1988
Special Report: Family Ties
Jim Hayes' grandmother Helen, 84, worked most of her life. Her husband died when she was only 44, leaving her alone to raise a family of four children. Now it is their turn to take care of her. Growing increasingly frail, Helen moved in with Jim's parents six months ago in Naperville, Ill., 28 miles from Chicago.
Jim, a 26-year-old manager at the Arthur Andersen accounting and consulting firm, turned to his company's family-care referral experts for help. They suggested three different senior centers where Helen could spend time with people her own age. Now Helen goes to Ecumenical Adult Care of Naperville two days a week. The socializing has helped his grandmother, Jim says, and gives his mother a rest from caring for her. The referral service, begun by Arthur Andersen in July, researches and outlines elder-care options at no charge. The Hayes family pays for the care, which costs $20 a day.