Monday, Nov. 21, 1988

The Next Inner Circle

James A. Baker III, 58

His job: Secretary of State

Background: Houston lawyer, Bush campaign chairman in four elections, Reagan's first chief of staff, then Treasury Secretary.

Prognosis: Because of his intimacy with Bush, Baker is expected to be as powerful as any Secretary of State. In a crisis, public relations or substantive, Baker will take charge.

Nicholas Brady, 58

Likely job: Secretary of the Treasury

Background: Longtime Bush friend, U.S. Senator from New Jersey, chief executive of an investment banking firm, succeeded Baker as Treasury Secretary.

Prognosis: Respected in Congress, Brady is a pragmatist who will be a major asset in budget negotiations.

Richard Darman, 45

Likely job: Budget Director

Background: Protege of Elliot Richardson, staff secretary to Reagan, a key aide and confidant to James Baker, Deputy Treasury Secretary, now an investment banker.

Prognosis: A brilliant and image-conscious idea man, Darman will ride herd on budget cutting and spending priorities.

John Sununu, 49

Likely job: Secretary of Commerce, possible chief of staff.

Background: Engineer with a doctorate from M.I.T., New Hampshire Governor who saved Bush in his home-state primary and later served as toughest anti-Dukakis surrogate.

Prognosis: Sununu will be one of the new faces Bush promised, a comfort to conservatives.

Craig Fuller, 37

Likely job: Chief of staff

Background: Intern in Reagan's California Governor's office, executive in Michael Deaver's P.R. firm, Cabinet coordinator in Reagan's first term, Bush chief of staff since 1985.

Prognosis: Always at Bush's side for two years, Fuller is an unflappable, disciplined Washington insider with excellent political instincts.