Monday, Dec. 12, 1988

Time Magazine Contents Page


COVER: The encouraging news is that HDL, the "good" cholesterol, may be your best ally in fighting heart disease

There is strong evidence that this component of the body' s total cholesterol count helps keep the arteries clear of deadly plaque by vacuuming up LDL, the "bad" cholesterol. -- How can you raise your level of the "good" while lowering the "bad"? The basic approach is to cut down on cholesterol and saturated fats in your diet and get regular aerobic exercise. See MEDICINE


NATION: Leaving his troubles behind, Gorbachev jets into New York to meet with Reagan, Bush -- and Donald Trump

The Soviet leader will address the United Nations, tour a capitalist pleasure dome, then fly to Castro' s Cuba. -- Here' s how high- tech weapons like the Stealth bomber and SDI could make the world less stable. -- Why Bush lets ; Tower twist slowly in the wind. -- The Democrats wrestle with their Jackson problem.


WORLD: By a resounding vote, the U. N. deplores Washington' s decision to deny a visa to Yasser Arafat

As the General Assembly decides to provide the P. L. O. chairman with a pulpit in Geneva, the U. S. comes under political and legal fire. -- A case for opening talks with the P. L. O. -- One Palestinian family' s struggle demonstrates why the intifadeh burns on and on. -- A flicker of opposition introduces democracy to a session of the Supreme Soviet. -- Italy' s great heroin scourge.


BUSINESS: The buyout barons win RJR Nabisco

KKR outfoxes Ross Johnson in history' s biggest takeover tussle. The company will now have to dig out from a colossal load of debt. -- Interest rates hit the highest level in years.


LAW: Revisiting the "reindeer rule" for the holidays

With confusion in the lower courts, the U. S. Supreme Court prepares to take another look at how many secular trappings must surround publicly supported creches and menorahs.


PRESS: Two '60s- era magazines are remade for the '90s

On the cutting edge in their prime, Ms. and Mother Jones hope to cast off their images as vestiges of a bygone time and appeal to a broader audience.


RELIGION: It' s a gloomy Christmas in Bethlehem

The intifadeh, pressure from Muslims and Jews, and fears of emigration and community decline cast a pall on celebrations by Christians in the Holy Land.


LIVING: And what would you like for Christmas?

This year many parents and grandparents may find the answer surprisingly familiar, as cautious toy companies promote some new variations on the old classics.


CINEMA: Twins and twits brighten two holiday romps

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are Twins. Leslie Nielsen' s dim detective in The Naked Gun is a heroic twit. Both films offer dollops of undemanding holiday fun.


BOOKS: For the Christmas season, twelve colorful volumes make up a child' s garden of lore and laughter

From bad ants and a jolly dinosaur to an aspiring astronaut and creationist Eskimos, this year' s pick invites young readers to visit and revisit the worlds of animals, machinery and legend. One special realm of enchantment: the landscape of Dear Mili, realized in masterly illustrations by Maurice Sendak for a newly discovered tale by one of the Grimm brothers.

10 Letters

13 Critics' Choice

15 American Ideas

75 Milestones

76 People

80 Music

88 Theater

95 Video

97 Art

98 Essay

Cover: Illustration by Marvin Mattelson