Monday, May. 01, 1989

American Notes WISCONSIN

One of the goals of higher education is to instill an appreciation of other cultures and races. But the outbreak of racial antagonism that has plagued campuses from Dartmouth to Berkeley over the past few years has jeopardized that objective. Last month the Board of Regents at the University of Wisconsin took a first step toward restoring some measure of racial civility. If the state legislature approves the plan adopted by the regents, students caught hurling racial epithets in a threatening manner will be expelled from school.

The regents were responding to a series of obnoxious acts by white students. Last fall the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity staged a mock slave auction, complete with some pledges in blackface. More recently, white male students have trailed black female students, shouting, "I've never tried a nigger before." Some civil libertarians have complained, however, that the new rule violates constitutional guarantees of free speech, no matter how irresponsibly that right is exercised.