Vol. 136 No. 2
"I Guess You All Figured That I Couldn't Resist That Lady"
A videotape shows D.C.'s mayor wasn't interested in crack until his ex-lover spurned his advances. Then the FBI burst in
A Message for Tokyo
American Notes AVIATION
Found: the Lost Dirigible
Saying Yes To Minorities
American Notes CONGRESS
Bed Check for The Senate
American Notes MEMORIALS
A Monument to F.D.R.
Boop, Beep, Blurp, Jingle, Jingle
Abortion's Hardest Cases
Should parents have a say in a teenager's decision to end her pregnancy? Do rape victims have special rights? In the Supreme Court and in Louisiana, the abortion battle lines are redefined
Eating His Words
Cornered by the deficit, Bush proclaims his own brand of "thinking anew" and signs on to the T word. But who will be paying what?
Endangered List of Endangered Species
Forgotten Daughter of the Week
Hold The Phone
In The Blazing Eye of the Inferno
As one of the worst fires in California history destroys more than 500 homes and causes $500 million in damage, a TIME contributor watches his house turn into a gutted skeleton -- and then narrowly es
Long Trials, Long Trail
The Fox-in-the-Chicken-Coop Trophy
The Go-Between
The Justice in the Middle
For both sides in the abortion debate, O'Connor is a moving target
Winner of the Week
"We Are All Talking More"
Amid euphoria and apprehension, a school asks for a new name and gears up for a changing curriculum
A New Look -- Once Again
Ambivalence Amid Plenty
The horror of the past is ever present for the minuscule Jewish community
America Abroad
This Too Shall Pass
And Now for Sprachvergnugen
A TIME correspondent muses about a much maligned language that suddenly many feel they should learn
Angry At The World
But Don't Hold Your Breath
Canada Designing The Future
Now that the Meech Lake accord is dead, what kind of structure will satisfy French Quebec and English Canada in the 21st century?
Compromised by a Gigantic Lie
When a hesitant East Germany decides the fate of its former rulers, who should do the judging?
Down Memory Lane
For the class of '56, no high points and no heroes, but pride in having built a sturdy democracy and belonging to the European family
Freedom Fling
The East German press is dying while being reborn
Germany Toward Unity
Getting The Lion's Share
Iran The Politics of Humanitarianism ) An outpouring of international aid for earthquake victims could end Tehran's outcast status. But probably not.
Looking Around for Ideas
Robert Bourassa ponders what Quebec should do next
Pet Peeve
Rap It Up
Right Face
Shopping Hell
For lots of weary consumers, the labors of Tantalus
Space Cloudy Vistas for Big Science
NASA's shuttle hopes spring a leak, and Hubble has eye trouble
String Along
Take That!
The Big Merger
Nothing like this instant melding of two fundamentally disparate economies has ever happened before, anywhere
The Oh So Good Life
A society turns its restless energies to the cultivation of leisure
The Power to Shock
On a heavily subsidized stage, a Walpurgisnacht of excess -- and an enduring courage to confront uncomfortable issues
Whose House Is This Anyway?
Questions of ownership and tenants' rights in the East are likely to dominate the political discussion
World Notes CHINA
Saving Face All Around
Let's Make A Deal
Farewell to the Peace Corps
The Wages Of Death
World Notes ZAMBIA
Cornmeal and Democracy
Letting The Earth Breathe Easier
At last, progress is made on ozone, offshore drilling -- and more
No Peace for the Owl
The Tuned-Out Generation
A new survey reveals that young people are ignoring the news
Drawing The Line on Dissent
No more attacks on official teaching, the Pope tells scholars
Gay Rabbis
Toppling an ancient tradition
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136, No. 2 JULY 9, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 136, No. 2 JULY 9, 1990
"There Was Nowhere to Go but Up"
Always On Call
Motorola hopes to connect the globe with cellular phones
Business Notes BEVERAGES
Down to the Last Drops
Business Notes COMPUTERS
Big Blue Wants To Go Home
Business Notes FASHION
Oh, Say, Can You Sell?
Business Notes INVESTORS
T. Boone Hits A Stone Wall
Taking Away His Credit Cards
To skirt bankruptcy, Trump agrees to give up command
The Last Roundup?
George Bush has high hopes for a fruitful Houston summit -- and unless it enacts a daring agenda for the '90s, such hoedowns could become obsolete
A Limited Right to Die
The court affirms the principle, but not for Nancy Cruzan
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
The Marble Palace's Southern Gentleman
Retired Supreme Court Justice LEWIS POWELL discusses the right of privacy, the role of law clerks and why he voted for capital punishment
From the Managing Editor
(From The Managing Editor)