Monday, Feb. 25, 1991

World Notes

A smiling face, symbol of Czechoslovakia's Civic Forum, may be turning to a frown. Beset by internal wrangling over policy in the newly emancipated nation, the popular alliance that swept the communists out of power 15 months ago and installed dissident playwright Vaclav Havel as President is splitting into two factions, already represented in Parliament: the conservative Club of the Democratic Right (CDR) and the Liberal Club.

The move was initiated by Finance Minister and C.D.R. mentor Vaclav Klaus, who is overseeing the transition from a state-run economy to the free market. In October the outspoken Klaus won an upset victory as Forum chairman over Havel's chosen candidate. Many members of the loosely aligned Liberal Club are longtime associates of Havel's and opposed Klaus in that vote. "We have decided on a divorce, Czech-style," Klaus said, "between a majority that elected me ((chairman)) and a minority view."