Monday, Aug. 19, 1991
She's Not Going to Take It Anymore
By Sidney Urquhart
MARILYN QUAYLE has finally located the source of those nasty tales, including one that she was at a fat farm. The stories were leaked by the Vice President's office. Back in fighting trim, Marilyn has called for the return of ultra-loyalist Jeff Nesbit, who served on her husband's Senate staff, as director of communications. One of Nesbit's first challenges will be to head off stories about Dan Quayle's alleged 1971 purchase of marijuana. Those rumors were squelched during the 1988 campaign, when Quayle's accuser, convicted drug smuggler Brett Kimberlin, was hustled off to solitary just as he was scheduled to talk to reporters. Last week a federal judge ruled that Kimberlin's charges of mistreatment deserve a hearing.
With reporting by DAVID ELLIS