Monday, Sep. 09, 1991
Calling Mr. Clean
Scandal-plagued corporations and government agencies have a surefire formula for riding out the storm: Find someone with an unimpeachable reputation to whip the place back into shape. Beleaguered Salomon Brothers turned to superinvestor Warren Buffet. A few other high-profile "fixers":
Nicholas Katzenbach, U.S. Attorney General 1965-66
-- Succeeded Clark Clifford last month as head of First American Bankshares, which was covertly controlled by B.C.C.I., the shady multinational corporation accused of money laundering and supporting terrorists.
-- Plans to stay until "the bank is on top of its problems."
Howard Baker, U.S. Senator 1967-85
-- Named as Reagan's chief of staff in February 1987 when Don Regan was held responsible for the "chaos" in the White House after the Iran-contra revelations.
-- Stayed 16 months.
William Ruckelshaus, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency 1970-73
-- Returned to the EPA in May 1983 after Reagan-era administrators were accused of delaying the cleanup of the nation's hazardous-waste sites.
-- Stayed 20 months.
Frank Carlucci, Deputy Secretary of Defense 1981-82
-- Replaced John Poindexter in January 1987 as Reagan's National Security Adviser during the Iran-contra scandal.
-- Stayed 11 months.
Claudius I, scholar and writer
-- Drafted as Roman emperor in A.D. 41 after the assassination of his depraved nephew Caligula; strengthened Rome's legal system.
-- Poisoned after 13 years.
With reporting by Sidney Urquhart