Monday, Oct. 21, 1991
World Notes the Philippines
The tug-of-war between President Corazon Aquino and former First Lady Imelda Marcos over the burial of deposed dictator Ferdinand Marcos continued last week without resolution. After meeting with 14 Congressmen and governors from northern Luzon, Aquino agreed to allow Marcos' body to be flown directly from Hawaii, where the former President died two years ago, to his northern Luzon birthplace for burial -- providing Marcos' followers would not use the event for political purposes. An agreement seemed at hand.
But in New York City, Imelda Marcos, who plans a return to the Philippines early next month for the first time since the Marcoses went into exile in 1986, scuttled the plan. It was her husband's dying wish to be buried in Manila, said she. "This was his choice. I am his wife, and I will not violate his word on my honor."