Monday, Nov. 04, 1991
American Notes Trials
Reuben Sturman has built an empire that reportedly grosses $1 million a day from the sale of lewd magazines, videos and "marital aids," but federal prosecutors aren't letting him enjoy his wealth. Identified in a 1986 presidential report as the world's leading purveyor of X-rated materials, Sturman, 67, has been the target of three federal obscenity prosecutions. Last week a Las Vegas jury was unable to reach a verdict in Sturman's most recent trial, on nine counts of racketeering, conspiracy and obscenity, and found him not guilty of one charge of transporting an indecent videotape across state lines.
In nearly 70 hours of deliberations over nine days, jurors could not unanimously agree that videos like Animal Tapes 1-6, which depicts bestiality, and Dr. Bizzaro, a film that includes incest scenes, were obscene. Sturman, a cleanliness freak who attended the trial in a surgical mask, claims he is the subject of a vendetta by prosecutors and the IRS, which previously seized his Rolls-Royce as part payment for the more than $15 million he owed in penalties stemming from a 1989 tax-evasion conviction.