Monday, May. 18, 1992

Goooood Morning, Ree-Oh!

By Sidney Urquhart

It takes a thief to catch a thief. Which is why an enterprising Rio broadcaster has signed up Ronald Biggs to dispense travel and safety advice to the thousands of delegates attending the Earth Summit next month. An alumnus of the legendary gang that heisted $7.3 million from a Glasgow-London mail train in 1963, Biggs has been a fugitive in Brazil for more than 20 years. He plans to counsel listeners on how to avoid the city's rampant street crime, and he may also throw in some practical tips to visitors on coddling a queasy stomach or dealing with recalcitrant taxi drivers. "Some people think it is in bad taste to allow a crook to do such a thing," said the former Great Train Robber, who hopes to meet soon with Rio police to discuss his radio debut on Eco Radio.