Monday, Jul. 20, 1992
Once Burned, Twice Bold
LONDON'S SUNDAY TIMES, APPARENTLY UNFAZED BY ITS EMbarrassment over publishing what proved to be faked "diaries" of Adolf Hitler nine years ago, seems to be courting trouble again. The paper is publishing what it bills as new segments from the diaries of Hitler's propaganda chief, JOSEPH GOEBBELS. (His description of Kristallnacht: "The sky is blood red. The synagogue is burning. Bravo! Bravo!") The controversy this time, however, does not revolve around whether the diaries are genuine; parts have already been authenticated and published. Instead, it centers on the paper's hiring of the pro-Nazi revisionist historian David Irving to handle the project. Among other things, Irving denies that the Holocaust happened, calling the Auschwitz gas chambers "a figment of British propaganda," and claims that Hitler was unfairly vilified for his role in World War II atrocities.