Monday, Jul. 27, 1992
By Janice Castro
Now that Perot has punted, here's the morning line:
-- The Mexican stock market, which rebounded, no longer fearing his opposition to a U.S.-Mexico free-trade pact
-- Ed Rollins, for getting out just in time
-- All the pundits who said he'd fizzle
-- Perot's bank balance and government contracts
-- Ron Brown, credited with the strong Democratic Convention that helped persuade Perot to withdraw
-- Business as usual
-- Millions of loyal Perot volunteers
-- Larry King, favorite of the hottest candidate
-- Ham Jordan, left holding the bag
-- Dana Carvey, who won a sitcom deal partly on the strength of his drop-dead Perot impression
-- Private detectives: Perot won't need as many of them anymore
-- Molly Ivins, who will no longer be asked to translate Perotisms