Vol. 140 No. 16
"People Vote for Presidents, Not Vice Presidents"
(Cover Stories)
Dan Quayle Speaks Out on Abortion, the Environment And Al Gore
'We're Not Measuring the Drapes"
(Cover Stories)
Al Gore Holds Forth on the Campaign, Television's Damaging Impact And Dan Quayle
Ad Wars
(Cover Stories)
As the TV battle intensifies, lectures loaded with facts, figures and issues have replaced the slick image and propaganda productions of elections past
Anatomy of a Smear
(Cover Stories)
It's Clinton's to Lose
(Cover Stories)
First the President's attacks backfire, then Clinton and Perot best him in the St. Louis debate. Only a miracle can save George Bush
Quayle Vs. Gore
(Cover Stories)
It may be the dullest job in Washington, but two young men with similar backgrounds and sharply opposed politics are fighting desperately to win it. Will their struggle affect the outcome?
What Debates Don't Tell Us
(Cover Stories)
Memorable more for one-liners than for substance, they are poor guides to performance in the Oval Office
Briefing Freeing Trade
(The Week: Nation)
Charity Does Not Begin at Church
End of A Mean Season
(The Week: Nation)
Scandalized and politicized, the departing Congress won't be missed
Home Rule or Death
(The Week: Nation)
By order of Congress, D.C. schedules a vote on capital punishment
How's That Again?
Lowlier Than Thou
Oh, Those Documents
(The Week: Nation)
The CIA admits misleading prosecutors in the Iraqgate affair
Pays To Know Your Sources
The First Debate Leaves Clinton in Front
(The Week: Nation)
With two more to go, Bush's task looks all the more daunting
The Limbaugh State
Vox Pop
A Bold Peacemaker
Willy Brandt: 1913-1992
A Cargo Plane's Descent into Hell
(The Week World)
The crash of a 747 in Amsterdam leaves at least 51 dead
An Odd Democracy
(The Week World)
Only 13% of Kuwaitis could vote, but still the opposition triumphed
Blasting A Corridor
(The Week World)
Serbs take a key town in Bosnia as the U.N. talks a little tougher
Boris' Revenge
(The Week World)
Yeltsin makes life miserable for the rival he once helped save
Cellblock Slaughter
(The Week World)
Death From the Sky
Investigators search for clues in the crash of an El Al 747 that devastated an apartment complex and killed at least 51
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Power At Last
Putting An End to War
(The Week World)
Angola and Mozambique reach out for peace after 16 years of bloodshed
Eating Causes Cancer
(The Week Health & Science)
Researchers find that many "natural" chemicals are carcinogens
Et Cetera
(The Week Health & Science)
Lupus Redux
Less Pain, More Gain
After years of sparing the morphine, doctors see that better pain relief means a faster, cheaper recovery
New Role for RU 486
(The Week Health & Science)
A study shows the abortion pill can also be a morning-after contraceptive
The Disease J.F.K. Tried to Keep
(The Week Health & Science)
Secret Doctors confirm rumors of the President's adrenal-gland problems
Anita Hill's Legacy
A year after the Clarence Thomas hearings, women wonder if the consciousness-raising made enough of a difference
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Full Exposure
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Into the Breach
Gun Shirts Are Out
(The Week: Society)
Parents and teachers move to get rid of a violent teen symbol
Marching Forward
(The Week: Society)
A court ruling paves the way for women at Virginia Military Institute
Nobel Prize an Island Bard
(The Week: Society)
Are The Media Too Liberal?
Elections provide the perfect excuse to dissect biases -- but past outcomes suggest that even if reporters could manage a conspiracy, it wouldn't change the results
Are 747s Safe to Fly?
The Presidency
Two Centuries and Counting
Time Magazine Contents Page
October 19, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 16
Time Magazine Masthead
October 19, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 16
Deciphering A Racist Business Code
(The Week: Business)
A California employment agency is caught illegally discriminating
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Heir Unapparent
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
In the Shop
Hospitality Split
(The Week: Business)
The Marriott hotel company separates its winners from its losers
If At First You Don't Succeed, Buy Again
(The Week: Business)
After a rebuff, Sumitomo and Los Angeles strike a rail-car deal
Nowhere To Invest
Rock-bottom interest rates forced investors to flee to the stock market, but now their last refuge looks scary
The Week Business
(The Week: Business)
Shedding Blood in Sacred Bowls
Does American religious liberty extend to animal sacrifice? That's for the Supreme Court to decide.
Bard of The Island Life
Derek Walcott's Nobel Prize rewards a career spent bringing new subjects and cadences to the English tongue
Fishing For A Useful Life
(Reviews Cinema)
Legacy With A Future
(Reviews Music)
Rap Around the Globe
Fad-hungry kids are dressing down and acting up in a worldwide rhythm revolution
Short Takes
Terminating A Double Agent
(Reviews Books)
The Rhythms Of Inwardness
(Reviews Music)
The Stories Left Untold
(Reviews Books)
Having Struggled From Warm-Up Act to Headliner,
Billy Crystal evokes the demons of comedy in a new movie, giving the perfect Oscar host a shot at his own Oscar
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Deficit Reduction? Excuses, Excuses