Monday, Nov. 02, 1992
Another Desert Storm
THEY WERE COMRADES-IN-ARMS AND CO-COMMANDers of the Persian Gulf War, but Prince Khaled bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia has now issued some fighting words about his old friend General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. At issue is Schwarzkopf's current best seller, It Doesn't Take a Hero, which General Khaled has read and found riddled with "inaccuracies and slanted remarks." In an unusually open gesture for a member of the Saudi royal family, the prince released a public statement accusing the general of exaggerating his own role during the ) conflict ("One has to wonder whether there was no one else in the Gulf War picture capable of doing anything right") and challenging his account on specific points. Among them: the prince says Schwarzkopf's claim to have "orchestrated the liberation of Kuwait City" is untrue; the prince and his Arab forces did it. The flap is not likely to disappear. The prince notes: "I will be addressing some of these issues in my own book in due course."