Vol. 142 No. 3
Can Adoptions Be Undone?
Sometimes the claims of a biological father may outweigh all other considerations
In Whose Best Interest?
(Cover Story)
The courts viewed Jessica DeBoer more as property than as a person; now she must return to her biological parents
When a Child Says No
Switched at birth, Kimberly Mays wants to stay just where she is
Aliens in a Land They Call Home
Campaign Promise Fulfilled!
(The Week)
(The Week)
Hey Einstein, Let's Jacuzzi!
Europe Slams the Door
Overwhelmed by migrants and too broke to support them, the nations of Western Europe are pushing the newcomers back home
He's No Gentle Ben
(Civil Rights)
The N.A.A.C.P.'s new leader is shaking up the stodgy group, but the Old Guard considers him a scary radical
Health Report
(The Week)
Informed Sources
(The Week)
News Digest July 4-10
(The Week)
Raw Data
(The Week)
Taking Shots at The Baby Boomers
A new -- and young -- breed of social activists issues a call to arms
The Morning Line
(The Week)
The Week
(The Week)
The Week
(The Week)
Toning Tips of the Pop Icons
(The Week)
Winners & Losers
(The Week)
Traveling Salesman
(The Summit)
In contrast to his struggles at home, Clinton shows finesse in Tokyo by winning agreements to cut tariffs
Martyrs for The Sheik
Emboldened by Abdel Rahman's imprisonment, Mubarak takes aim at the Sheik's followers in Egypt
A Season in Hell
Could the killer flood and record heat wave be harbingers of even more miserable weather to come?
Richard The Lionhearted
Grievously injured in a plane crash, famed fossil hunter Leakey still shows his spirit
Chicken Pox Conundrum
Should all children be vaccinated? The government weighs the risks of preventing a mild disease.
In Your Town, in Your Face
A radical pro-life group launches a summer assault, but its tactics draw fire
Prognosis: Controversy
Pro-condom and pro-choice, the nominee for Surgeon General is provoking a heated reaction from conservatives
Target: Tumors a "Smart Bomb" Against Cancer in Mice Must Still Prove Itself in Humans.
Coming Out in the Country
Visibility remains perilous for gays and lesbians in rural America
Heartbreak In Cyberspace
Having too many on-line affairs gets a computer Casanova strung up on an electronic bulletin board
Sailing Seas of Air
High above the California desert, pilots soar and dive for the championships of hang gliding
High on The Rockies
Trailing in the National League West, Colorado's klutzy expansion team is tops in the hearts of fervid Rocky Mountain fans
Time Magazine Contents Page JULY 19, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 3
Time Magazine masthead JULY 19, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 3
You Too Can Run An Airline
A flock of new start-ups is taking to the skies and shaking up the airline industry
Children's Ward
(Reviews Books)
Glittering Doubles
(Reviews Theater)
Going, Going, Gone
(Reviews Cinema)
Golden Oldies
(Reviews Books)
Missing Only The Magic
(Reviews Show Business)
Prince Of Whales
Free Willy hits all the feel-good buttons -- except at Sea World, which calls the film a slur on marine parks
Riding The Crest Again
(Reviews Music)
(Reviews Show Business)
No Tariff on Tom Cruise
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Let's Not Orbit White Elephants