Monday, Oct. 11, 1993

Dispatches Home Sweet White House

By HUGH SIDEY, in Washington

House notes: Looking up at Bill and Hillary Clinton in the soft glow of the State Dining Room, Abraham Lincoln watching in oil. Clintons both beam, seem to want to keep the lease, giving contributors and helpers in the latest White House refurbishing a tour of the place and telling them of their joy at living there. It is leavening and deepening to be with memories of the greats, says Bill. Hillary has read bios on all the former First Ladies, keeps William Seale's The President's House -- two volumes of rich history -- handy and well thumbed. Bill can even recite some of the house's stories as well as the guides. "There isn't much job security in my line of work," he deadpans. "I may need the skill."

Guests go in clusters from Oval Office to Bill's private study. New paint, new carpets, new picture hangings everywhere as Little Rock decorator Kaki Hockersmith's means of making the house a Clinton home. Lincoln bust looks over Bill's desk in the Oval Office. Another Lincoln bust guards the office door. Lincoln's speeches lie between covers. Lincoln's a Republican; what is this? Nothing new. As noted by Harvard's David Donald, "Getting right with Lincoln" is standard for Presidents. Anyway, balance is restored over on the grand staircase in the mansion. Tucked nearly out of public view is this Republican quartet -- Harding, Hoover, Nixon and Reagan.

The new Oval Office blue carpet is deep, dramatic. "It's so masculine," said Chelsea when she first saw it. His favorite painting, Childe Hassam's Avenue in the Rain, a scene of misty flags, is a softer image that hangs on the curved wall.

Most dramatic change: Treaty Room turned into deep red and burgundy study for Bill. Heavy thinking here. Nine books piled on the work area. Unlit cigar waiting for a flameless draw. Surely he lights up secretly in a chamber that once was continually beclouded by Ulysses Grant? Nope. Bill is famously , allergic to smoke. New checkers and backgammon game tables suggest his indulgences. Heavy, historic desk was moved to the lawn for recent P.L.O.-Israel peace signing. President's personal possessions emptied from drawers. Now he can't find them all. Hil-l-l-ar-r-r-y! On the wall is the famous photo by George Tames, New York Times photographer: Kennedy's back silhouetted as he leans to read newspapers in the Oval Office.

Heartbeat of the White House may come from the tiny private kitchen. Three Clintons can just fit. Hillary says they go there to dodge the din, sip, nibble, talk, hug. Hillary too busy for much home cooking. Bill can use the microwave; call Domino's.

New people, new decorations, new rituals. Still, a mallard came back again this year as a yard guest, built a nest in a 160-year-old elm tree down near the tennis court, hatched 11 ducklings. Just flew south for the winter season untroubled by trade, taxes or health care.