Vol. 142 No. 27
"Dear Diary . . . Delete That"
(The Senate)
Amid a call for Packwood to resign, his secretary testifies that the Senator has tampered with his diaries
Apparently, a Kiss Is Not Still a Kiss
Dispatches Meeting the Deadline
Facing the Music
Michael Jackson returns home amid a swirl of accusations that he sexually abused young boys
Fallout From Nasty Secrets
How the U.S. used its citizens as guinea pigs
Health Report
Inside Washington Writer Says Arkansas Troopers Helped Clinton "Cheat on Wife"
Strength on the Right
The Crystal Ball
The Week December 12-18
Winners & Losers
Yes, Virginia, There Is a How-to Manual
A Farce to Be Reckoned With
Vladimir Zhirinovsky taps into the dark side of a Russia feeling humiliation and loss of self-esteem
No Reason to Cheer
The surprise success of Vladimir Zhirinovsky's neofascist party in the parliamentary elections imperils reform at home and sets off alarm bells abroad
Bring on the Admiral
An abrupt resignation and speedy replacement signal Clinton's problems with the military -- and the President's intention to set things right
Don't Call Him Bobby Ray: Portrait of an "Operator"
Genetic Geography
It's far from perfect, but researchers unveil the first complete map of all 23 pairs of human chromosomes
Proof Against Heart Attacks
A study touts the benefits of moderate drinking
Robbing the Innocents
A spate of murder-kidnappings raises alarm among parents. What can be done?
Angels Among Us
(Cover Religion)
Suddenly the heavenly host is upon us, and in the New Age a grass-roots revolution of the spirit has all sorts of people asking all sorts of questions about angels
Sympathy for the Devil
(Cover Religion)
Time Magazine Contents Page DECEMBER 27, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 27
Time Magazine Masthead DECEMBER 27, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 27
A Jeroboam of Collectibles
(The Arts & Media Books)
Reading for wine lovers on everything from bargain Cabernets to hijacking Gunny-Bunnys
And the Sorrows of Joy
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
Debating the Holocaust
(The Arts & Media Press)
Those who deny the Nazi atrocities are finding a platform in college newspapers and raising a First Amendment ruckus
The Fat Lady Sings
(The Arts & Media Art)
An exhibit affirms Lucian Freud, 71, as the best realist painter alive
Tidings of Job
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
Not much cheer this movie season, as three more weighty dramas deck the malls with cries of horror
To Catch a Thief
(The Arts & Media Books)
Thievery, homosexuality and treachery -- in a new biography the unruly life of Jean Genet gets a sober, subtle accounting
Tremors of Genderquake
(The Arts & Media Books)
A young feminist argues that women should unite to conquer, but her attention keeps wandering from the point
To Our Readers
American Scene a Tale of Five Warm Coats