Monday, May. 02, 1994
Halt! Label Police!
There was more to the crime bill that passed the House last week than such widely publicized measures as an increase in death-penalty crimes and a federal version of "Three strikes, you're in." A sampling of the bill's 57 get-tough amendments:
Establishes stiff penalties for those convicted of fraudulently labeling products "Made in America"
James Traficant
Raison d'etre
"This amendment will send a powerful message that Uncle Sam won't tolerate anyone misleading the American consumer."
Makes unlawful possession of explosives a federal crime and forbids felons to purchase explosives
Louise Slaughter
(D.-New York)
Raison d'etre
Upstate New York saw five people killed in bombings last summer.
Urges more aggressive federal prosecution of crimes against truckers
Peter Barca
Raison d'etre
"The FBI says crimes against the trucking industry are on the rise."
Authorizes Federal Government to aid investigations and prosecutions of violent crimes against interstate and foreign travelers
Neil Abercrombie
Raison d'etre
Abercrombie's state counts on tourism for over 30% of its economy.
Toughens penalty for the illegal sale of a Congressional Medal of Honor
Alfred McCandless
Raison d'etre
"We have been receiving more and more reports of medals being stolen ... and put on the black market."